Sending Music to Stations and Hosts

The list below is designed to help labels and artists get their music into the hands of stations and their programmers. We can only give contact information for those who have said they wish their information to be released. You can see the websites for every station that has an account on the system (not hosts) via this link (we suggest if you have had little luck with the list below or you want to expand to try to reach more stations, you can use this link).

Best Practice: Search the station contact list for those stations/programmers who are interested in your genre and then contact them by their preferred method listed. (Search works well). 

Please include a comment that your material is available via !earshot Distro, a bit about you and any other instructions they asked.  Note that each radio station determines its own music, and may or may not use !earshot Distro to access the content. 


Finally, please do not abuse the system, often the staff/volunteers are very busy. 


Last Updated
Station Name
Tracking Hours
Preferred genres
Accepted genres
I want you to put me in touch specifically with people from under-represented communities
Formats Accepted
Referral Code from
Email address to send digital submissions
Instructions related to sending digital submissions
Mailing address to send physical submissions
Instructions related to sending physical submissions
Other information
12/16/2024 13:34:01CFRHOntarioPenetanguisheneShawn PitreStation coordinatorcoordocfrh@lacle.cano specific hoursSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mailcoordocfrh@lacle.caSubmit Response
7/15/2024 22:42:20cickBritish ColumbiasmithersMusic Directorstaffmusic@smithersradio.comno trackingindie rock, indie pop, alternative pop, experimental, electronicall genres accepted minus modern country and religiousYesEP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through E-mailLR8PCICKmusic@smithersradio.comSubmit Response
10/17/2024 22:54:37QCIndieSaskatchewanReginaKim BeldingOwnerinfo@qcindie.com306-805-1222no trackingIndie, alternative, rockAllYesSingles, Mp3 (320 or higher), Wav, Aiff or other LosslessThrough earshot-distro.cainfo@qcindie.comWe accept MP3s that are no less than 128 kbps. WAVs are also fine. We’re open to many styles, but our preferred genres are alternative and indie rock. We open the genres even further if you’re a Saskatchewan artist!All other info can be found at .Submit Response
11/27/2024 12:54:37104.7 CFXX The Nation StationAlbertaSiksikaTyrone Sitting Eagle (Morning Show)Media Coordinatortyronese@siksikanation.comdedicated hoursEDM, Indigenous pop, Indigenous, rock, powwowpop, rock, country, all genresNoSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Mp3 (320 or higher), Wav, Aiff or other LosslessThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical MailZ7SNCFXXmedia@siksikanation.comPlease send us song with name of song, year, artist, and clean versions, or radio edits. If possible fill out all meta data for easy transfer to our programmingP.O. Box 1490, Siksika Alberta, T0J1N0Please put down all meta data (song, artist, year) Response
12/8/2023 15:08:00CKCUOntarioOttawaGraham DigbyVolunteergraham.digby123@gmail.comno trackingrockYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), Wav, Aiff or other LosslessThrough earshot-distro.cagraham.digby123@gmail.com478 Sunnyside Avenue, Ottawa
8/19/2020 15:03:17CKDU-FMNova ScotiaHalifaxSeth GlasgowProgramming Director & tentative Music Directorseth@ckdu.caNo specific hoursHip hop, R&B, indie rock, house, chiptune, jazzAllYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), Wav, Aiff or other LosslessThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical or seth@ckdu.caInclude a bio and/or one sheet about the artist, with photos, links, and tour information, and tracks have to be downloadable in MP3 format at 320kbps or higher; FLAC, OGG Vorbis, WAV, and AIFF are acceptable too.

Currently, we only accept Nova Scotian singles. Any releases from outside NS must have at least 3 tracks.
ATTN: Music Coordinator
Dalhousie Student Union Building
6136 University Ave, Ste 427
Halifax, NS
B3H 4J2
Please include a one-page info sheet with a bio, photo, links, and tour information.

Currently, we only accept Nova Scotian singles. Any releases from outside NS must have at least 3 tracks.
8/19/2020 15:17:24CJLX-FMOntarioBellevilleLindsey HarrenMusic coordinatormusic@91x.fmno specific hoursAlternative RockFolk/acoustic, hip-hop, indigenous CD's, Mp3 (320 or higher), Wav, Aiff or other LosslessThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mail6HTSCJLXmusic@91x.fmCJLX-FM, P.O. Box 4200, Belleville, ON K8N 5B9
8/19/2020 17:13:14CJHQBritish ColumbiaNakuspChris EwingsStation Managertunein@thearrow107.comNo specific hoursCountry, Rock, AlternativeAllYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through E-mail, Through Physical Mailtunein@thearrow107.comBox 987 Nakusp BC V0G1R0
8/19/2020 17:22:37CIVL 101.7FMBritish ColumbiaAbbotsfordAudrey MacDonaldMusic Directormusic@civl.ca6043569707Mon 10-5allYesEP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mailmusic@civl.camp3 format only33844 King Road, Abbotsford V2S 7M8attn: CIVL Radio 101.7fm
8/19/2020 19:21:19CJSF 90.1 FMBritish ColumbiaBurnabyRicky Castanedo LaredoMusic Directorcjsfmusc@sfu.cano specific hoursallYesEP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mail, Prefer e-mail, but we accept any other medium. Currently we are only accepting email because programmers aren't able to broadcast from the station itselfFC5UCJSF cjsfmusc@sfu.caDigital

Please send Mp3s with a press sheet and make sure the folder has the artist's name and album name — The amount of submissions we get titled "" is silly and it could mean your submission might get lost in the shuffle. You can also send us a link to a free download on Bandcamp. We discourage submissions through Soundcloud or other means as they can be a hassle for us to download. Please do not send us one song and ask us to request the rest of the music; that is a sure-fire way to have your submission skipped over. When sending digital please send us the whole release.
tc-216 Simon Fraser UniversityBurnaby, BC V5A 1S6 attn: CJSF Music DirectorCD

CD's are the easiest for us. Please send us only one copy. Label your CD! Sometimes the cases get lost in the shuffle, so it’s always good to make sure your CD is clearly identifiable.


We love vinyl, but if you send it our way please also send us a CD or digital download. A handful of our DJs actually spin vinyl, but sending us a digital download or a CD maximizes your plays because it allows all of our DJs to play your music.


Tapes are sweet. I love tapes. But most people hate playing them. So, as with vinyl, please send us a CD or a digital download so your music isn't left on the shelf unplayed because people can't wrap their head around a tape.
8/19/2020 21:33:45CHCR-FMOntarioKillaloePeter BennerStation Managerstationmanager@chcr.org6136332907no trackingAnythingAllYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mail, dropbox, we transfer, google driveNHWFCHCRstationmanager@chcr.orgwav or mp3CHCR Radio, 14 Lake St; Unit A, P.O. Box 195, Killaloe, ON. K0J 2A0Only necessary for local artists (within 2.5 hours radius of Killaloe)
8/20/2020 8:55:16Durham Flavour Community RadioOntarioAjaxOliver ForbesStation Managerdurhamflavour@gmail.comno trackingallallYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical Maildurhamflavour@gmail.commusic submission on the subject line162 - 71 Old Kingston Road
Ajax, Ont
L1T 3A6
Attention: Music Director
Lable packages "FRAGILE"
8/20/2020 12:58:05CJBU-FMNova ScotiaSydneyBhreagh MacKinnonMusic Director (student, part-time)music@cjbu.caWednesday and Friday, 10:00am to 2:00pmAlternative, indie rock/pop, singer-songwriter, folk, metal, rock, punk, bluegrass, jazz, blues/roots, etc - anything and everything CanadianAllYesEP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mail, send the following with the submission: tracks of interest, lyrics (if possible), content advisories (if applicable). MP3 format is preferred.Caper Radio CJBU-FM, Cape Breton University, 1250 Grand Lake Road, PO Box 5300, Sydney, Nova Scotia, B1P 6L2, CanadaPlease send the following with the submission: tracks of interest, lyrics (if possible), content advisories (if applicable). CD format is preferred.
8/20/2020 15:21:21CFBWOntarioHanoverAndrew McBrideStation Managerinfo@bluewaterradio.ca5193640200No TrackingAllNoMp3 (320 or higher)Through
8/20/2020 16:51:59CFIS-FMBritish ColumbiaPrince GeorgeREG FEYEROPERATIONS MANAGERCFISFM@YAHOO.CA250-563-2347no trackingcountry, blues, jazzall but metalNoCompilations, CD's, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical MailUB4XCFIScfisfm@yahoo.ca2820 15th Avenue, Prince George, BC V2M 1T1
8/21/2020 7:39:39CKVE-FMNova ScotiaHubbardsJames DomineyStation Manager / Music Director and several others.jdominey@covefm.comno specific hours, prefer emails over phone callsPop, rock, country, folk, jazz, bluesWe review everything sent that fits a genre that we play.Singles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough E-mail, Through Physical Mail, DMDS, PlayMPE. Only check earshot-distro when emailed by artist repinfo@covefm.comEmails should link to a cloud download containing lossless files (wav or flac). Links to youtube, spotify, itunes, soundcloud, bandcamp or wetransfer are not accepted, nor are aac, m4a, ogg, aiff, wma, ape or mp3’s with a bit rate lower than 320k. We also do not accept download cards. Full details are on our website. Highway 329, Hubbards, Nova Scotia, B0J 1T0
4/16/2021 14:49:15Stoke FMBritish ColumbiaRevelstokeJace PreenanExecutive Directorinfo@stokefm.com250 837 7475no specific hoursCanadian ContentRock, Blues, Funk, Country, Podcasts, Comedy, Minority communities, classicalYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), Wav, Aiff or other LosslessThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical MailHUXEREVYinfo@stokefm.comPlease no spamming.Stoke FM Radio Society 101 2nd st. E suite 206 Revelstoke, BC V0E 2S0 P.O. Box 2574 250-837-7475Feel free to ad in a shout out to Stoke FM ("My name is _____ and you're listening to 92.5- Stoke FM" at the start of the file for more personality.
5/13/2021 13:15:19CKOA-FMNova ScotiaGlace Bay/SydneyBill MacNeilGeneral Manager/Music Directorbill@coastalradio.caThursdays 1-4pm AtlanticAC/Pop/Country/Folk/RootsAC/Pop/Country/Folk/Roots/Soft RockSingles, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through earshot-distro.cabill@coastalradio.caPrefer email notification with link to EarshotThe Coast 89.7 106 Reserve Street Glace Bay, NS B1A4W5Prefer CD's with a focus track if sending an albumWeekly Spins/Adds Reports available by requesting to be added to our mailing list contact to request
6/15/2021 14:36:33CFUVBritish ColumbiaVictoriaTroy LembergStaff (Music Director)music@cfuv.ca2507218704Thursdays 10-4 PM PST. Currently email but eventually back to phone calls fall 2021All GenresAll GenresYesEP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through!eDDS upload
MP3 320 kbps, Zipped WeTransfer, Google Drive, Dropbox. OR Bandcamp Code OR haulix/disco.
CFUV 101.9 FM
C/O Music Director
PO Box 3035
University of Victoria
Victoria, BC
V8W 3P3, Canada

Do you need to send it by Courier?

CFUV 101.9 FM
University of Victoria
3800 Finnerty Rd
Victoria, BC
V8P 5C2 Canada
Avoid sending physical unless you need to. We only accept physical of local releases and any other physical takes longer to process and will just be ripped to digital. Vinyl releases still get added occasionally.
7/2/2021 20:00:48CiTR 101.9FMBritish ColumbiaVancouverDora Dubber (teachable moments)Music & Volunteer Managermusic@citr.cano specific hours(general) punk, pop, hip hop, rock, DIY, independent, folk, blues, soundtrack, experimental, R&B, metalAllYesEP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through E-mailmusic@citr.camp3s, include album artwork, streaming linkDora Dubber - CiTR 101.9FM
LL500-6133 University Blvd
Vancouver, BC
V6T 1Z1
CiTR ONLY ACCEPTS LOCAL PHYSICAL SUBMISSIONS. "Non-local" is defined anywhere outside of Vancouver and the surrounding municipalities. Submissions from Vancouver Island, BC generally, and the Pacific Northwest will also be considered for physical submissions.
9/1/2021 20:22:41CBC MusicAlberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, North West Territories, Nunavut, YukonVancouver/TorontoMark MacarthurExecutive Producer, Programmingmark.macarthur@cbc.cano trackingIndie, Pop, Rock, Hiphop, Electronic, ACALLYesSingles, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough earshot-distro.camusicprogrammers@cbc.caMust include WAV or high-quality MP3 and Artist/Bio
12/6/2021 12:12:15CICKBritish ColumbiaSmithersGlen IngramMusic Directormusic@smithersradio.com12508478769no specific hoursIndie rock, indie pop, electronicaallNoEP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through E-mailLR8PCICKmusic@smithersradio.comPlease include country of album(is it MAPL)nopeno physicals plsSubmit Response
1/10/2022 18:04:24CFRUOntarioGuelphAlex RimmingtonMusic Directormusic@cfru.caPlease send an emailAllAllYesEP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through E-mailmusic@cfru.caPlease email a download link to the full album or EP, and please include a way to stream/preview the music. Cover art, and a bio and/or one-sheet is strongly recommended.Physical submissions are not being accepted due to the pandemic Response
1/13/2022 22:56:28CJLY Kootenay COOP RadioBritish ColumbiaNelsonRadio Show Host/ProgrammerRadio Mixtapeadamothomas@gmail.com6047155634Thursday 6-7pm Rock, Punk, Jazz, Folk, Hip Hop, Garage, allYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), Wav, Aiff or other LosslessThrough, Through E-mailadamothomas@gmail.comAttention Radio Mixtape Response
2/17/2022 14:53:28CHRW 94.9 FM / Radio WesternOntarioLondonA Person Disguised As PeopleMusic Directormusic@radiowestern.cano specific hours / email onlyPop / Indie / Electronic / Hip-Hop / Punk / Metal / Rock / Psych / Folk / Traditional / Country / Jazz / Classical / Dub, Ska & Reggae / Experimental / InternationalEP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), Wav, Aiff or other Losslessmusic@radiowestern.caNew' music only in 320 or higher w/ hi-res artwork, release date and Bandcamp link.94.9 CHRW / Radio Western
Room 250
University Community Centre
Western University
London, ON
N6A 3K7
Submit Response
3/2/2022 11:38:50CJSWAlbertaCalgaryHelen YoungMusic Directormusic@cjsw.comEP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, Mp3 (320 or higher) through the form on our websiteNo physical submissions unless from Calgary areaNo physical submissions unless from Calgary area Response
3/2/2022 13:37:03CKXUAlbertaLethbridgeMike DohertyProgram Directorprogram@ckxu.com403-329-5189eveningsCanadian/queercon/indigenous programming/third languagemp3 preferable, hour long segmentsYesVia, Permenant Link (dropbox, Google Drive or Website), Emailed weekly with link or attachmnetEmail with bio, show description, track
3/2/2022 15:16:58CFCR 90.5FMSaskatchewanSaskatoonMusic DirectorMusic Departmentmd@cfcr.caEmail (No phone calls, please!)AllAllYesEP's, Artist Albums, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through E-mailVBDFCFCRmd@cfcr.caPlease ensure that all MP3 files are 192kbps (or higher) with proper track/album labelling, and noting any bad language. http://www.cfcr.caSubmit Response
3/3/2022 21:54:13CHLY-FMBritish ColumbiaNANAIMOArbie Fru, Controlled ChaosMusic & Program Coordinatorarbie.fru@chly.ca2507163410email onlyindie-rock, indie pop, alternative, jazz , blues, folk, worldallall considered equallySingles, EP's, Compilations, CD's, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through E-mail, Through Physical MailFCGZCHLYmusic@chly.caprefer to not have zips. All files need metatags. #2 - 34 Victoria Cres. Nanaimo BC V9R 5B8include One-sheetchly.caSubmit Response
3/4/2022 9:50:45CFRC 101.9fmOntarioKingstonChancelor (613)533-6000 x74849no specific hoursAllAllYesEP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mail6CKVCFRCmusic@cfrc.caMp3 @ 320 KbpsCFRC Radio
Lower Carruthers Hall
62 Fifth Field Company Lane
Queen’s University
Kingston ON K7L 3N6
cfrc.caSubmit Response
3/4/2022 10:40:08Peace FMBritish ColumbiaChetwyndMichael ForwardMusic Directormichael@peacefm.caNo TrackingLocal BC MusicAllYesMp3 (320 or higher)Through E-mailmichael@peacefm.caPlease directly send audio files instead of youtube/soundcloud linksSubmit Response
3/4/2022 13:15:36CFML-FMBritish ColumbiaBurnabyBrian WiebeInstructorbrian_wiebe@bcit.caNo specific hoursAlternative rock, indie rockAlternative rock, indie rockNoSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mail4H2ECFMLbrian_wiebe@bcit.caPlease only send releases that fit our alternative rock/indie rock format. Response
3/4/2022 18:28:01CJRU 1280AMOntarioTorontoAlex AndersenMusic Librarian/Music Directormusic@cjru.caWednesdays 5PM-8PM ESTfolk, rock, indie, punk, popAllYES, but also open to both.EP's, Artist Albums, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through E-mailmusic@cjru.caPlease attach include a link to a drive including the high-quality MP3s. Please also provide, the release date, label, applicable FCC warnings, RIYLs, suggested tracks, and public streaming links. Submit Response
3/7/2022 7:40:11CJHR 98.7 FMOntarioRenfrew Lesley GalbraithProgram/Production Managerlesley@valleyheritageradio.ca613-432-98739AM -4PMCountry/East listening/PopMP3Permenant Link (dropbox, Google Drive or Website)Bio and contact infoVia email
3/7/2022 12:13:20CJPE 99.3 County FMOntarioPrince Edward CountyAnne RussellMusic Directormusic@993countyfm.ca613-476-2229no specific hoursall - focus on Canadian contentallYesMp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mailmusic@993countyfm.caSubmit Response
3/9/2022 13:26:28UMFM 101.5ManitobaWinnipegMichael ElvesPD / MDmichael@umfm.comN/aTracking by email only right nowANYALLSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mailmichael@umfm.comLinks, not attachmentsUMFM c/o 310 University Centre, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N2
3/9/2022 19:47:53CJLO 1690AMQuebecMontreal The Waiting Room Head Music Director 4388710495No specific hours Rock/alt/folk/indie/indie-pop/etc. AllYesEP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough E-mail, Through Physical Mailmusic@cjlo.comAttach a downloadable copy of the release7141 Sherbrooke St W CC-430, Montreal, Quebec H4B 1R6None Submit Response
3/14/2022 13:33:38PopCanRadio.caOntarioKingstonMichael BartlettOwner / Music DirectorNewMusic@PopCanRadio.cano specific hoursAll Genres / Music must be CanadianAllYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical MailNewMusic@PopCanRadio.camp3 or wav format with album artwork (400 x 400 Preferred)137 Concession Street Suite A Kingston, ON K7K 2B1Include extras and swag for giveaways if possible. Thank youhttp://www.PopCanMedia.caSubmit Response
3/15/2022 12:47:18CJAMOntarioWindsorMattuMusic Directorcjammd@gmail.com5192533000x2527Thursdays and Fridays 12-4allallEP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through E-mailAR9BCJAMcjammd@gmail.comFull instructions avail on website. TLDR version:
Send an e-mail to with information about the artist and the album along with download link to the release (of 4 or more songs). Ensure the quality of the audio files is at least 192kbs (mp3) and that all of the tracks are properly named and tagged. DO NOT SEND US YOUR SPOTIFY LINKS.
University of Windsor/CJAM 99.1 FM
ATTN: Music Director
401 Sunset Ave.
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
N9B 3P4 Response
3/15/2022 13:22:46CKHAOntarioHaliburtonDrew AllenShow Hostmusic@canoefm.com705-457-1009no specific hourspop, country, rock, easy listeningpop, country, rock, easy listeningWe want to prioritize Canadian musiciansCD's, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mail, other distribution companiesReferral Code - 6MUECKHAmusic@canoefm.comSend them along, our committee will listen and decide if the submission is appropriate for our station.739 Mountain Street, Box 1125, Haliburton, Ontario K0M 1S0Indicate that it is for our Music CommitteeStation website: http://www.canoefm.comSubmit Response
3/18/2022 15:11:29CHBBNewfoundland and LabradorNorris PointAnita BestProgramming Directormoss104@gmail.com17094588403no trackingAllFolk, Singer-songwiter, spoken wordMp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mailmoss104@gmail.comPlace "Music submission" in subject lineSubmit Response
3/19/2022 19:13:46CKTZBritish ColumbiaMansons LandingSongs of Love and HateStation Managerbryan@cortesradio.canoindie/alternative, folk, jazz, new jazz fusiony things, electronic (from light pop to dark synth stuff), hip hop, r&b / soul, All. alternative, hip hop, electronic, Indigenous, jazz, blues, folk, metal, country, acoustic, etcYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through E-mailmusic@cortesradio.caMP3s only. Response
3/20/2022 10:12:27Kootenay Coop RadioBritish ColumbiaNelsonHootenhollerShow host nicoleannepurvis@gmail.comOld time, folk and bluegrassYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mailnicoleannepurvis@gmail.comHootenholler 411 4th St Nelson, BC, V1L 2S3Submit Response
3/23/2022 13:48:07CHIR fmBritish ColumbiaSaltspring IslandRanger DaveProgram Directorradiogordo@protonmail.comno specific hoursJazz Blues Folk Reggae Worldbeat Classical AllYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mail, Drop Boxradiogordo@protonmail.comPlease include track meta data529 Mt Belcher Hts, Saltspring Island, BC, V8K 2J3Mail to CHIR Fm PDSubmit Response
3/24/2022 18:26:2094.5 FM CHEV Grand Falls WindsorNewfoundland and LabradorGrand Fall WindsorPetes Well Written Songs Show / Rat Pack Jazz Attack Show / Album ShowsPresenterpalexanderb@gmail.comAllNoArtist Albums, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mailpalexanderb@gmail.comSubmit Response
3/28/2022 16:01:35U RadioManitobaWinnipegU TalkShow Host, Radio trackingMulticultural, World Music, Indie, FolkAllYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough E-mailCommunications@u-channel.caSend with the name of the song, album, recording date, and a link to your website or profile. Response
7/15/2022 0:58:39CHLY-FMBritish ColumbiaNanaimoControlled ChaosMusic and Program Coordinatorarbie.fru@chly.ca2507163410email tracking pleaseIndie Rock, Indie Pop, World, Blues, Roots/Canadiana, Folk, Jazz, MetalAllYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through, Dropbox, wetransfer, googl;e drive, dmds, etc.FCGZCHLYmusic@chly.caall metatags filled in, one sheet is advised, CanCon status should be easily found, explicit noted#2 - 34 Victoria Cres., Nanaimo BC V9R 5B8One sheet recommended, jewel case please, CanCon info easily found, explicit notedPrefer cleaned explicit tracksSubmit Response
1/12/2023 15:03:59CIUT 89.5 FM OntarioTorontoJyotsna Kumar (Executive Producer for Launch TO)Music Director, Executive producer, Staffjyotsna.kumar@ciut.fmno trackingallallYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, CompilationsThrough, Through E-mailjyotsna.kumar@ciut.fmInclude name, city you are based out of, genre of music, any other information you think may be relevant to your submission!Submit Response
2/15/2023 13:32:10CHUO-FMOntarioOttawaMusic CommitteeMusic Committeemusic@chuo.fmtracking via emailhip hop, jazz, pop, dance, electronic, internationalallYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mailmusic@chuo.fm320kbps preferredCHUO-FM, 65 University Private #0038, Ottawa, ON K1N 9A5Submit Response
2/26/2023 18:52:49CFXU 93.3 Fm the FoxNova ScotiaAntigonishAce and MichaelaStadd (Music Director) trackingindie, folk, rock, pop, alternative, RnBall YesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, CD's, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through E-mail, Through Physical MP3s of your music to the listed emailPO Box 948 StFX University, Antigonish, NS, B2G 2W5Send physical submissions to the address listed. Response
4/5/2023 14:14:15CHBBNewfoundland and LabradorNorris PointMy FolkProgramming Committeemoss104@gmail.comno trackingCan-conAllNot unless requestedSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mailvoiceofbonnebay@gmail.comSubmit Response
4/24/2023 14:38:08CFBX RadioBritish ColumbiaKamloopsSteve MarlowProgramming Coordinator/Music 377-3988Tues-Thurs 2-4 PMEverythingAllEP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, VinlyThrough E-mail, Through Physical Mailmusic@thex.caCanadian only accepted currently. Digital music library is currently building.CFBX 92.5 FM
Thompson Rivers University,
805 TRU Way, House 8
Kamloops, BC, Canada
V2C 0C8 Social Media links are on the websiteSubmit Response
5/3/2023 20:13:28CanoeFM 100.9OntarioHaliburtonDon GageMusic Committee and Board Directordonaldgage@gmail.com7052865085No trackingFolkAllYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, CD's, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough earshot-distro.cadonaldgage@gmail.com1175 Shuyler's Island RdSubmit Response
5/24/2023 14:37:51CKDU 88.1FMNova ScotiaHalifaxThe Warmer Side of CoolStaff/Music Directormusic@ckdu.ca902 4946479No Specific HoursAlternative Rock, Indie Pop, Punk, Metal, Soul/R&B, Indie Rock, Atlantic CanadianAlternative Rock, Indie Pop, Punk, Metal, HipHop, Soul/R&B, Indie Rock, Indigenous Music, African Canadian Music, LGBTQ musicYesEP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mail, We get a lot of emails and a lot of spam, so if you don't hear back feel free to follow upmusic@ckdu.caInclude Where you are from, The release date of your music, The Genre, a Link to download, Independent or signed and what label, any other info you feel is important, please name the files in a decent manner(Michael Jack - Billie Jean.Mp3)6136 University Ave, Halifax, NS B3H 4J2(Dalhousie Student Union Building) Response
10/13/2023 9:09:59CHBBNewfoundland and LabradorNorris PointBonne Bay MorningProgramming Directorvoiceofbonnebay@gmail.comNo trackingFolk, country, bluegrass, classicalall genresNoMp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mailvoiceofbonnebay@gmail.comSubmit Response

Individual Shows:

Last Updated
Station Name
Tracking Hours
Preferred genres
Accepted genres
I want you to put me in touch specifically with people from under-represented communities
Formats Accepted
Referral Code from
Email address to send digital submissions
Instructions related to sending digital submissions
Mailing address to send physical submissions
Instructions related to sending physical submissions
Other information
1/6/2025 15:33:55CHFR 96.5British ColumbiaHornby IslandCHFR 96.5 FMMember of Board of Directorshornbyradio@gmail.comno specific hoursAllAllYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), Wav, Aiff or other LosslessThrough, Through E-mailhornbyradio@gmail.comn/a Response
12/5/2024 14:34:04CJAM 99.1FMOntarioWindsorRadio Drill TimeShow Hostradiodrilltimecjam@gmail.comPunk, Post-punk, Indie RockYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), Wav, Aiff or other LosslessThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mailradiodrilltimecjam@gmail.comPlease email me first @ radiodrilltimecjam@gmail.comPlease email me first @ radiodrilltimecjam@gmail.com Response
10/5/2024 16:16:38CKCUOntarioOttawaSongs for the RevolutionDJSongsForTheRevolution@ckcufm.comFolk, Political, Rock, Folk Rock, Alternative, IndieYesCD's, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical MailSongsForTheRevolution@ckcufm.comSubmit Response
10/16/2024 14:19:06civl British ColumbiaAbbotsford / VancouverBirds Of Canada HostTheadamroper@gmail.comNo specific hoursRock, folk, pop, house, electronic, IDM, art punk, psych AllYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, CD's, Tapes, WavThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical MailTheadamroper@gmail.com208-1723 Victoria Drive, vancouver, v5n4j9 Submit Response
4/22/2024 14:11:07CKXU 88.3FMAlbertaLethbridge(For The Record)Show Host, Community Content Curatorfriends@ckxu.comno specific hoursAlberta MusiciansAllYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through E-mailfriends@ckxu.comPlease include a one sheetSubmit Response
3/20/2024 12:16:57CJAM 99.1FMOntarioToronto/WindsorAbsent SoundsShow Hostmweajue@yahoo.cano trackingallYesEP's, Artist Albums, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough E-mail, Through Physical Crescent PlaceFeel free! Response
5/29/2024 13:24:27CFYT 106.9 FMYukonDawson CityTina Gradinaru - "T"Show Hosttmg43always@yahoo.com778.559.1956no specific hoursRap (after 2000), Hip-Hop, Rock (all types), Blue Grass, Pop (Top 40), Older Country, 80's, Dance, Electronic, Soul Psybient and R&B Punk, World Music, Folk, Medieval, Jungle Beats, Dub Step, Children's Music, Popular music from the 20's/30's/40's/50's/60's/70's/90's/2000's/2010's/2020'sYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through E-mailtmg43always@yahoo.comPO Box 1355 Dawson City YT Y0B 1G0 Submit Response
7/15/2024 14:14:28CanoeFMOntarioHaliburtonJazz at the 45thShow Hostjthagarty@bell.net3 to 5 pm every SundayJazzArtist Albums, CD's, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough E-mail, Through Physical Mailjthagarty@bell.net735 Mountain Street, Box 1125, Haliburton, ON K0M 1S0canoefm.comSubmit Response
7/16/2024 19:20:10Trent Radio CFFF 92.7OntarioPeterboroughBlake Frazer (Blues Themes Delivered By The Milkman)anShow Hostthemilkmanbluesthemes@gmail.comno specific hoursBluesBluesCD'sThrough Physical MailBlues Themes, Delivered By The Milkman
Trent Radio 92.7 FM CFFF
715 George St. N.
Peterborough, ON
K9H 3T2
CD's only pleaseSubmit Response
8/15/2024 15:59:39CKCU 93.1 FMOntarioOttawaToni TylerShow hostTylertonie@gmail.comNo specific hoursRockRock pop folk blues NoMp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through E-mailSubmit Response
8/21/2024 12:21:34Radio Carleton/ 93.1 CKCUFM OntarioOttawaThursday Special Blend Show Host & Fundraising Show Airs every Thursday 07:30 to 09:30hrs ESTIndependent w focus on National Capital region but not exclusive to sameAll CD's, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical Jeff Larocque, 1557 Forest Valley Drive, Ottawa, ON CAN K1C6H9Anything shipped c.o.d. will be sent back. Send at your own risk and expense. I work as a volunteer. If unsure, email a digital version to instead. Submit Response
8/26/2024 14:53:47CKCU FMOntarioOttawaYOW Jazz/In A Mellow Tone/Rabble Without a CauseShow host and co-hostian.mackenzie@bell.netJazz, Avant Garde, ExperimentalAllYesEP's, Artist Albums, CD's, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), Wav, Aiff or other LosslessThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mailian.mackenzie@bell.net1125 Colonel By DriveMark: To the Attention of Ian MackenzieSubmit Response
10/24/2024 21:26:43CJSFBritish ColumbiaVancouver, BCJon T (Home of Burnaby Rock)Programmerjthibaul@hotmail.comMp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through E-mailFC5UCJSFjthibaul@hotmail.comI like links, !earshot ones are greatdon't do it! Response
10/29/2024 14:43:49CIUTOntarioTorontoEclecticaShow Hosthumebaugh@yahoo.cano trackingallallYesCD's, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through earshot-distro.caeclectica@ ciut.fmSubmit Response
11/28/2024 16:04:01CIUT FMOntarioToronto Radio Show Host: Mopa, (since April 2024) The weekly "Friday 4-6PM Fill-in"Ex-CIUT Program Director: Now Programmer, host, producer, mentor and Ex- VP External NCRAmopa@ciut.fmno specific hoursPost-Punk, Punk, Hardcore, Oi, Jazz, Canadian, Ska, Experimental, Radio Art, Goth, Industrial, weird, noise, sound scape, drone, Dub, Reggae, Techno. All really, if I like it ill play it.AllSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), Wav, Aiff or other LosslessThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mailmopa@ciut.fmsend away7 Walmer Rd. Apt 2009 - M5R2W8, Toronto, On Response
12/19/2020 13:44:34CJAIOntarioStellaThe Saturday Night Barn BurnerShow Host / Board of Directors Membercgaines63@gmail.comno trackingRock / Hard RockAlternative / Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, RockYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mailcgaines63@gmail.comPlease include a short Bio112 - 107 Amherst Dr, Amherstview, Ontario K7N 1V4Address to : Chris Gaines C/O 92.1 FM
11/23/2020 13:40:12CJAM-FMOntarioWindsor/DetroitPositive AmplitudeVolunteer Hostpositiveamplitude@gmail.comSunday, 6-8 PM ESTMusic VarietyMusic VarietyNoSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, Mp3 (320 or higher), Wav, Aiff or other LosslessThrough, Through E-mailpositiveamplitude@gmail.comOnesheet, artwork, digital mediaPlease do not mailPlease do not mail
8/26/2024 17:06:19CKCU 93.1 FMOntarioOttawaToni TylerShow hosttylertonie@gmail.comNo specific hoursRock, Pop, Folk, R&BRock, Pop, Folk, R&B, Alternative rock, Dance musicNoMp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through E-mailtylertonie@gmail.comPlease include a short Bio ckcufm.comSubmit Response
8/26/2024 17:32:39CKCU 93.1 FM OntarioOttawa The Majic Show DELUXE Show host also part of the committeemajic77725@gmail.com6139837734NoUrban Music all genres are acceptedYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through E-mailSure majic77725@gmail.comMake sure all tracks or radio editing 320k MP3 and bio of the artist for possible interviewNoNo Response
9/13/2024 11:40:15CFRC 101.9fmOntarioKingstonAlphahbet SoupShow Hosthmchandler01@gmail.comno specific hoursAllAllArtist AlbumsThrough, Through E-mailmusic@cfrc.caCFRC Radio, 62 Fifth Field Company Lane, Lower Carruthers Hall, Queen’s University, Kingston ON K7L 3N6 Response
9/22/2024 21:24:12CFFFOntarioPeterboroughAedan Shaughnessy (CanAedan)Show Hostaedanshaughnessy@gmail.comMonday 1700-1800CanConAllNoVinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough earshot-distro.ca3 - 660 George St N
Peterborough, ON
K9H 3S8
Submit Response
12/8/2024 11:43:01CBC Radio OneAlbertaCalgaryKey of A (playing music from Alberta)Producer and Hostkeyofa@cbc.caNo trackingAll genres, but artists need to either currently live or have previously lived in AlbertaAll Alberta musicYesMp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through E-mailkeyofa@cbc.caEmail and include a link to download a 320kbps MP3 file.Please don't send physical submissions Response
12/7/2020 19:22:43CJAM-FMOntarioWindsorGirlie So GroovieShow Host and Music Programmertrevorklundert@hotmail.comNo Specific HoursFemcon -- female-fronted bands and women & nonbinary musiciansIndie, Rock, Pop, Dance, Hip Hop, Soul, R&B, Folk, Country, Singer-SongwriterNoEP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mailtrevorklundert@hotmail.comMust be female-fronted band or female musician@gsgradio (Instagram)
1/28/2021 17:17:25CKCU-FMOntarioOttawaWednesday Special Blend (tic talk)show host, board membertic@ckcufm.comNoSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through E-mail, Through Physical Mailtic@ckcufm.com15328 Concession 3-4, Finch, Ontario, K0C 1K0
2/9/2021 9:26:49CKHAOntarioHaliburtonJim AnstessShow Hostjimstess@hotmail.comAdult AlternativeAdult Alternative, Indie Rock, Soul, RockSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mailjimstess@hotmail.comJim Anstess, CanoeFM, 739 Mountain St., Halliburton, ON, K0M 1S0
2/10/2021 4:10:28CJAIOntarioKINGSTONThe Saturday Night Barn BurnerHost / Programmer / Board of Directors cgaines63@gmail.comno trackingRock / Hard Rock / MetalSingles, EP's, CD's, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through E-mail, Through Physical Mailcgaines63@gmail.com
2/13/2021 1:22:01CJTRSaskatchewanReginaThe BasementShow Host/Programmerdarlene.ourbasement@gmail.comTuesdays 7 to 9 AM CSTCanadian Indie Rock, Pop, Hip Hop, Electronic, Folk, Americana Canadian IndieYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, Mp3 (320 or higher), Aiff or other LosslessThrough, Through E-maildarlene.ourbasement@gmail.com
4/3/2021 21:03:21CHUOOntarioOttawaCanQueerShow Hostn.sebastien.plante@gmail.comnot trackingLGBTQYesMp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough E-mail
4/27/2021 21:14:20CKHA CANOE FMOntarioHaliburtonNorthern AireShow Hostsueshikaze@gmail.com4 pm to 6 pmroots, blues, r & b, soul, hip hop, rock, pop, folkAllYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through E-mailsueshikaze@gmail.com5623 Gelert Road, Haliburton ON K0M1S0Submit Response
6/16/2021 12:39:33CFURBritish ColumbiaPrince GeorgeIan Gregg (Ether in the Attic)Show HostEtherintheattic@cfur.caNo tracking Surf Rock, experimental, psychedelic soul, funk, alt-countryRock, alternative, alt-country, jazz, blues, avant-garde, soul, jizz-jazz, cosmic country, grungeIf you deem it appropriate, yes absolutely Singles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), Aiff or other LosslessThrough, Through Physical MailNot accessible atmEtherintheattic@cfur.caEarshot distro link preferred 187 McEachern Pl Response
7/27/2021 16:22:16CHSRNew BrunswickFredericton JARED DURELLEHost of the wabanaki weekly and guy who does the indigenous community outreachHmphb@stu.ca19023083474 to 6 am any dayAnyAnyYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), Wav, Aiff or other LosslessThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical MailHmphb@stu.ca20 Locke street Submit Response
8/4/2021 19:07:19CKCU 93.1 FMOntarioOttawaResults May VaryShow Hostarjunnijhawan3@gmail.comEvery second Wednesday from 12-2 a.m.No specific preference.Rock, alternative metal, nu metal, rap, hip-hop, post-hardcore, indie, alternative rock, electronica, classical music, experimental, world music, pop music.YesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mailarjunnijhawan3@gmail.comPlease provide a detailed description of the artist/band, where they come from, which genre the music falls under (I include sub-genres as well), and a brief description on what sparks the creative interest in said artist/band.2225 Sandman Crescent, Orleans, Ontario, K4A 4V6Please let me know in advance which physical medium the submission falls under (CD, vinyl, tape, etc). Like with the MP3/digital submission via email, please provide a detailed description of the artist/band, where they come from, which genre the music falls under (I include sub-genres as well), and a brief description on what sparks the creative interest in said artist/band. Response
8/5/2021 15:49:02CIUT FM, CJMP FM, bluesandrootsradio.comBritish Columbia, OntarioTorontoThe Lovecast Host, Producer, Curator, Interviewer lovecast@gmail.com2502478221No Tracking I self identify as globalsonic and schizophonic, so the show can run from ambient and electronic, to roots, folk and blues, to funk, reggae, soul, jazz, dub, world, Indigenous, and beyond. ambient, electronic, folk, blues, rock, world, jazz, funk, soul, roots, reggae, dub, dancehall, Latin, orchestral, Indigenous, and more. Extensively open format Yes, but not exclusively Singles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), Wav, Aiff or other LosslessThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical Maillovecast@gmail.comPlease enter in the subject heading "Music Submission for the Lovecast" 1782 El Verano Dr. Gabriola island, BC, Canada, V0R 1X6 Response
10/18/2021 23:40:44CKUW 95.9 FMManitobaWinnipegTickle My Blues Fancy (Away)Radio Show Host/Programmerhost25thfloor@gma8l.comno trackingBlues, Canadian, LocalBlues, Indigenous, Blues-RockYesEP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mail, Dog Sledhost25thfloor@gmail.comCKUW 515 Portage Ave Room 4CM11 Winnipeg, MB, R3B 2E9 Attention Mike Litwin Tickle My Blues Fancy (Away)Send to CKUW c/o Mike Litwin Tickle My Blues Fancy (Away)ckuw.caSubmit Response
10/28/2021 12:31:02CJTR Regina Community RadioSaskatchewanReginaPrincipal PrairieRadio Show Host/Programmergilroy.holly@gmail.com3062091464No specifica hoursAnything!AllYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, WavThrough, Through E-mailgilroy.holly@gmail.com Response
12/14/2021 14:19:40CJSENew BrunswickShediacMarcel Parker-GallantProgram Directormarcel@cjse.camusique@cjse.caCountrybluegrass, folkloreNoSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mailmusique@cjse.ca Cornwall St, Shediac, NB, E4P 8T8 Response
12/17/2021 18:54:29Kootenay Co-Op RadioBritish ColumbiaNelsonThe FeedShow Hostjaymesbowman@gmail.comno trackingThrough, Through E-mailjaymesbowman@gmail.comSubmit Response
1/13/2022 22:56:28CJLY Kootenay COOP RadioBritish ColumbiaNelsonRadio MixtapeProgrammeradamothomas@gmail.com6047155634Thursday 6-7pm Rock, Punk, Jazz, Folk, Hip Hop, Garage, allYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), Wav, Aiff or other LosslessThrough, Through E-mailadamothomas@gmail.comAttention Radio Mixtape
1/14/2022 17:48:52Kootenay Co-op RadioBritish ColumbiaNelson, BCThe Times They are a Changin'Show host. I am on the Music Committee, Programming Committee, and Fundraising Committee (all volunteer)bakerbon@gmail.comFolk, folk rock, folk pop, Canadian Women's Independent MusicYesEP's, CD'sThrough, Through E-mail308A Hall Street, Nelson, BC V1L 1Y8, Attn: Bonnie B.http://www.kootenaycoopradio.comSubmit Response
1/17/2022 22:04:05CFRC 101.9OntarioKingstonMichael Boulos (NO STATIC)Radio Show Host/Programmernostaticradioshow@gmail.com2892441066no specific hoursmetal, screamo, rock, jazz, noise, techno, electronic, disco, anything and everythingallYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), Wav, Aiff or other LosslessThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mail6CKVCFRCnostaticradioshow@gmail.comEmailing the address with band/title/genre/description is fineCFRC Radio
Lower Carruthers Hall
62 Fifth Field Company Lane
Queen’s University
Kingston ON K7L 3N6 Response
1/18/2022 3:34:54CIUT FM Toronto + CJMP FM, Ubunt.FM & bluesandrootsradio.comBritish Columbia, OntarioToronto Ontario/Gabriola Island British ColumbiaThe LovecastRadio Show Host/Programmerlovecast@gmail.comNo tracking I self identify as Broad-Spectrum-Globalsonic-Schizophonic (I have a passion for music in general and on a global level, and The Lovecast reflects that.) Most genres - some episodes are broad spectrum and some specialize in one genre. The Lovecast is unpredictable and designed for broad-spectrum music lovers YesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), Wav, Aiff or other LosslessThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mail, delivered by UFO is my favourite way of receiving music 2C85CJMPlovecast@gmail.comPut in Subject Heading "Music Submission For The Lovecast"1782 El Verano Dr. Gabriola Island BC V0R Response
2/7/2022 13:36:53CFRC 101.9FM OntarioKingstonGino Alache - Rockum Radio ShowHost & Producereditor@rockumweb.com343-333-9426no trackingHard Rock & Heavy Metalhard rock and metal in general . All metal genresYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mail6CKVCFRCeditor@rockumweb.comDon't forget to include the song, album and artist name in every file MP3 - WAV14E-244 Hargreaves Ways
Kingston - Ontario
CD’s ,Tapes, Vinyl Records are welcome. Submit Response
2/9/2022 10:00:42CFRCOntarioKingstonFolk EverythingShow host/programmerfolkeverything@cfrc.cafolk and acousticYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through E-mailfolkeverything@cfrc.ca44 Biscayne St., Kingston, Ontario K7K7J9Submit Response
2/11/2022 16:58:19CFRCOntarioKingston OnRadio Show Host/ProgrammerBrother BrianBrobriansbluegrass@gmail.com613 572 3888Sunday 8-11 ambluegrass.gospel,country ,folkYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD'sThrough, Through Physical Mailbrobriansbluegrass@gmail.com4423 George St box 33 ,Sydenham ,Ont. K0H2T0Submit Response
3/22/2022 16:03:0289.5FM Cortes RadioBritish ColumbiaCortes IslandTuneage With Phil BellHostinfo@yorkshirephilbell.com3.30pm-5pm PST TuesdayCan ConYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mailinfo@yorkshirephilbell.comSubmit Response
5/11/2022 14:33:02CKHA FMOntarioHaliburtonBackbeatShow Hostlorne@backbeatradio.com705-321-9323no trackingVintage country, blues, R&B, jazzAllNoSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-maillorne@backbeatradio.comWeTransfer or DropBox158 Parkview Ave. Orillia, ONhttp://www.backbeatradio.comSubmit Response
6/29/2022 15:41:19CFROBritish ColumbiaVancouverFables For Your MicroscopeDJgeneralgruff@gmail.comobscure musiceverything I think is wonderfulYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), Wav, Aiff or other LosslessThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mailfablesforyourmicroscope@gmail.comthe more info you can give me about how people can find your music, the better it will be, but nothing is okay, too.TBA _ I need a PO boxTBAhttp://www.generalgruff.comSubmit Response
6/29/2022 17:04:48CFYT 106.9YukonDawson CityUcOtt Raddio Daddio, Mar's Rockin' News, Red Hot Rockabilly and 10 Minutes in the SunJanitor, Host, and Board 250-208-2816Not trackingRockabilly, punk, alternative rock, bluegrassMy preferred genresI'm a volunteer. I do not want to work all the time. but yesMp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough earshot-distro.caill get to this soonI'll get to this soonI'll get to this soonWe don't have room for Physical submissionsdon't send themWe have a really small station and this is the busiest time of our year. I want to be a part of earshot, but definitely not full time. Submit Response
6/29/2022 18:16:02worldbeatinternational.comBritish ColumbiaVancouverWorld Beat Canada Radio and Celt In A TwistIndpendent Producercalkoat@gmail.com604.889.8647no specific hoursWorld Beat, World Beats, Global Beats, Global Underground, Global Rhythmsworld music contemporary, Celtpunk, Celtic Rock, Celtic remix, Indie Celtic Pop, Celtic Tradall communities, all ethnicities, all CanadiansSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Mp3 (320 or higher), Wav, Aiff or other LosslessThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical MailRT42NCRAcalkoat@gmail.cominclude one-sheet and all composer/author information for SOCAN filingCal Koat, 3222 East 8th Avenue, Vancouver, BC,Canada V5M1X8worldbeatinternational.comSubmit Response
7/29/2022 0:40:14World Beat Canada RadioBritish ColumbiaVancouverWorld Beat Canada RadioHost/Producercalkoat@gmail.com6048898647no specific hoursworld beats. global beats, global underground, global rhythmsworld beats. global beats, global underground, global rhythms, CelticNoSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, CD's, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mailcalkoat@gmail.complus one sheet bio and composer/author info3222 East 8th Avenue Vancouver BC Canada V5M1X8worldbeatinternationa.comSubmit Response
8/5/2022 14:49:00CJMPBritish ColumbiaPowell RiverThe Freedom PrincipleShow Hostthefreedomprinciple99.1fm@gmail.com519-996-3736no specific hoursAfrican, Jazz, Blues, Caribbean, WorldAllYesMp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mailthefreedomprinciple99.1fm@gmail.comnone1495 Pope Street, LaSalle, Ontario, Canada N9J3R8none Response
8/22/2022 15:41:26CKVS-FM 93.7 'Voice of the Shuswap'British ColumbiaSalmon ArmBalmoral BluesShow Hostradiobalmoralblues@gmail.comBluesNoSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mailradiobalmoralblues@gmail.com Response
8/31/2022 21:54:03Cove FMNova ScotiaHubbardsWhen We WakeShow hostAndrewshaver@gmail.comNo trackingFolk, Americana, indie rock, singer songwriter AllYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, WavThrough E-mailandrewshaver@gmail.comSubmit Response
9/29/2022 19:23:54Kootenay Co-op RadioBritish ColumbiaNelson, BCThe Times they are a Changin'I'm show host and I'm on the Music Committeebakerbon@gmail.comNo tracking"Folk, Feminist, and anything else I fancy"i.e. Canadian independent women folk musicYesEP's, CD'sThrough Physical Mail, Through E-mailKCR, 308A Hall Street, Nelson, BC V1L 1Y8Attn: Bonnie Bhttp://www.kootenaycoopradio.comSubmit Response
11/1/2022 10:22:29Superlative RadioNew BrunswickSaint JohnThe Country GoldmineShow Producercountrygoldmine@gmail.comno trackingAll things country music and it's sub genresAmericana and Alt-CountryYes... and U.S. markets are welcome too !Singles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, Mp3 (320 or higher), Wav, Aiff or other LosslessThrough, Through E-mailcountrygoldmine@gmail.combigger files can also be uploaded here: https://wsaudio.filemail.com Response
11/4/2022 10:59:11CIUTOntarioTorontoBeyond the HeadlinesExecutive Producerexecutive@beyondtheheadlines.net11-12, mondaysNoSingles, Artist Albums, CD'sexecutive@beyondtheheadlines.netSubmit Response
12/2/2022 13:47:56CKHA-FM OntarioHaliburtonNight TrainHost doug45@xplore.netNo Specific Hours Singer-Songwriter Folk/Pop/Blues All YesMp3 (320 or higher)Through E-maildoug45@xplore.netSend songs that you want featuredDo Not Send physical submissions. Do Not Send Response
12/12/2022 10:57:35CHBBNewfoundland and LabradorNorris PointMy FolkProgramming Coordinatorvoiceofbonnebay@gmail.comNo specific hoursAcoustic, Folk, ClassicalAllNoSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mailvoiceofbonnebay@gmail.comPut "music submission" in the title lineVPBB Community Radio, Norris Point, NL, A0K 3V0N/AN/ASubmit Response
1/10/2023 14:05:28CIUTOntarioTorontoEmile WeekesShow Hostgrooveconceptradio@ciut.fmR&B, Soul, Jazz, Hip-HopBrazilian, FunkSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, CD's, Vinly, Wav, Aiff or other LosslessThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mailgrooveconceptradio@ciut.fmNo MP3s please909 Birch Ave, Milton, Ontario, L9T 3X7Groove Concept Radio on all social media platforms including Tik-TokSubmit Response
1/23/2023 11:00:57CFXUNova ScotiaAntigonishEarshot DailyGuest Hostmaryelizabethcarty@gmail.com9028721792Folk, roots, world, celticIndie, classical, indigenousNoSingles, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough earshot-distro.camaryelizabethcarty@gmail.comSubmit Response
2/9/2023 18:58:30CJRUOntarioTorontoThe Cool TableShow Hostadriel.smiley@gmail.com4169172603no specific hoursR&B, Indie, UK Pop, Hip-HopAllYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mailthecooltablelive@gmail.comInclude a one pager58 Howes Stadrielsmiley.comSubmit Response
4/8/2023 15:40:57CFRC 101.9FMOntarioKingstonGino Alache Radio Show Hosteditor@rockumweb.com3433339426no specific hoursMetal, Hard Rock. Power metal, Thrash, Symphonic metalAll is acceptableSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, VinlyThrough Physical Maileditor@rockumweb.comonly links to download or stream. Spotify works.309-670 SIR JOHN A MACDONALD BLVD
Kingston - Ontario
K7M 1A3
include, picture, info or press releasehttp://rockumweb.comSubmit Response
5/5/2023 12:06:32CKCU FM 93.1OntarioOttawaBev Forcier -Show name tbdVolunteer Show Hostforcier.bev@gmail.comNo specific hoursRock, folk, country, bluesAnythingYesSingles, Artist Albums, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through E-mail, Through Physical Mailforcier.bev@gmail.comNew1125 Colonel By Dr #517, Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6NewTbdSubmit Response
4/2/2024 13:40:05VOBBNewfoundland and LabradorKitchenerRoutes & Branches & BeyondShow producerruralnl@gmail.comno specific hoursCeltic, folk, traditional, roots, hybridAllthat would be fineCD's, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mailruralnl@gmail.com76 Warren Road, Kitchener, ON, N2M 4T4 Response
6/29/2022 18:16:02worldbeatinternational.comBritish ColumbiaVancouverIndpendent Producercalkoat@gmail.com604.889.8647no specific hoursWorld Beat, World Beats, Global Beats, Global Underground, Global Rhythmsworld music contemporary, Celtpunk, Celtic Rock, Celtic remix, Indie Celtic Pop, Celtic Tradall communities, all ethnicities, all CanadiansSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Mp3 (320 or higher), Wav, Aiff or other LosslessThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical MailRT42NCRAcalkoat@gmail.cominclude one-sheet and all composer/author information for SOCAN filingCal Koat, 3222 East 8th Avenue, Vancouver, BC,Canada V5M1X8worldbeatinternational.comSubmit Response
7/17/2023 17:15:00Badger FM MediaOntarioKitchenerSongs from A Quiet PlaceHost/ProducerBadgerfm@gmail.comNo specific timeNew Age/CelticCeltic, Classical, New Age, Smooth JazzNoSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through E-mailbadgerfm@gmail.commikethurnell.comSubmit Response
8/2/2023 20:43:05CKMS 102.7 FM Radio WaterlooOntarioWaterlo, OnAtardecer RancheroShow HostArancheroott@gmail.com4:00 PM 6:00 PM ThursdaysRancheras, Cumbias, Merengues, Vallenatos, Salsas, Rock in EspanolFolkloreYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical MailArancheroott@gmail.comMp3sUnit 114b--283 Duke St. W., Kitchener, Ontario, CanadaTo Felix RancheroSubmit Response
8/22/2023 18:49:01CKCUOntarioOttawaRoots & Rhythms and Attic ThoughtsShow Hostnoproblemsituation@gmail.com6138624673Sunday 8-9pm, Tuesday 11pm-MidnightRoots and Indie rockAllYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mailnoproblemsituation@gmail.com501-505 Park Place Esquimalt BC, V9A 0H4Submit Response
8/29/2023 7:50:20Independent podcastNova ScotiaDartmouthSongwriters From Here And AwayShow host / producersongwritersFromHereAndAway@gmail.com604.617.2044 - TXT onlyno trackingtracks by original songwritersSinger-songwriter, folk, pop, jazz, blues, etc acoustic, new releaesYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough earshot-distro.ca Response
9/25/2023 15:12:43CKCU FMOntarioOttawaCanadian SpacesHost and Producer / Interim EDhopthefence@hotmail.comCanadianIndie, FolkSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, CD's, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough earshot-distro.caVJ93CKCUhopthefence@hotmail.comCKCU FM
Room 517 Nideyinàn
1125 Colonel By Drive,
Ottawa, Ontario CANADA K1S 5B6 Response
10/8/2023 20:57:56VOBBNewfoundland and LabradorKitchenerIvan EmkeShow Hostiemke@grenfell.mun.ca709-640-5725no specific hoursCeltic, Folk, Traditional, Global, Roots, Canadiana, AmericanaAllI am happy to be in touch with people from a variety of communities.Singles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mailiemke@grenfell.mun.ca76 Warren Road, Kitchener, ON, N2M; fittoeatnl.caSubmit Response
11/1/2023 10:40:46Independent ProgrammerOntarioOttawaClassical MuseHost/Producers.bellio.d.cavlovic@gmail.comClassical, Jazz, World, Rock, actually, anything, but in the order I've listed.AllYesCD'sThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mail791 Clearcrest Cres, Ottawa, ON. K1A 3E8Send only when discussed via email.;;; Response
11/15/2023 17:29:49CJLY-FMBritish ColumbiaNelson, Castlegar, Kaslo, New DenverWine Dark SeaVolunteer hostundervolcano@gmail.comno specific hoursClassical, contemporary classical, jazzSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through Physical Mailundervolcano@gmail.com308-A Hall St, Nelson BC V1L 1Y8C/o Catherine FisherSubmit Response
11/17/2023 13:06:53CKVS-FM 93.7 Voice of the ShuswapBritish ColumbiaSalmon ArmAcoustic AvenueShow Host / Produceracousticave@gmail.com250-833-8556No specific hoursAll genres welcomeAllYesArtist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mail, Through Physical MailFU86NCRAacousticave@gmail.commp3 or wav preferred8 - 420 Hudson St NW, Salmon Arm BC. V1E 1P4Regular post is fine Response
4/15/2024 11:20:12cjlyBritish ColumbianelsonFreerangeshow hostgpalfenier@gmail.com10 am - 12pm Wednesdayrock,folk,jazz,metal,punk,countryYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, CD's, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through E-mail, Through Physical Mailgpalfenier@gmail.com8474 PROCTER ROAD E
Submit Response
1/27/2024 19:28:53CFURBritish ColumbiaPrince GeorgeRadio Show Host/ProgrammerRadio Show Host/Programmermcdowell.karen@hotmail.compunk metal experimental noiseallYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, CD's, Tapes, Vinly, Mp3 (320 or higher), Wav, Aiff or other LosslessThrough earshot-distro.ca2RKHCFUR
4/2/2024 13:24:18The Joyce Aldrich Show PodcastOntarioTorontoThe Joyce Aldrich ShowHost/Producerjoycealdrich@gmail.comNo specific hours.Alternative Rock, Jazz, Folk, Blues, Rock, CountryAll is acceotable.NoSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Compilations, Mp3 (320 or higher), WavThrough, Through E-mailjoycealdrich@gmail.comNo foul language. Around four minutes in length. Response
4/8/2024 12:52:33CFFF FMOntarioPeterboroughThe AntidoteHost, programmerdave@theantidoteradio.com7058082894No specific hoursChristian, rock, alternative, punk, metal, folk, electronicYesSingles, EP's, Artist Albums, Mp3 (320 or higher)Through, Through E-maildave@theantidoteradio.com Submit Response

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