Digital Distribution System

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!earshot Digital Distribution – How it works FAQ

The !earshot digital distribution system is designed to replace the physical, antiquated system of sending CD’s into campus and community radio stations in the hope that stations will put them into their libraries.  The system is designed to allow all facets of the music industry to upload content (new and their back catalogues) to an online pool, to which stations and their programmers will be able to directly access those songs with enhanced searchable functionality and reporting systems.  !earshot-Distro WILL replace the physical distribution system in Canada. Below outlined the benefits and tools the system will have for each sector.

Both radio station staff and independent programmers (if approved by the station), will have access to the entire pool of music through a digital login.  This means all of Canada can become “local”, when it comes to finding new and songs from hard-to-find genres of music. Functionality includes:

  • Extensive search and save functionality to discover new music
  • Ability to rate and support found music
  • See what other programmers are playing
  • Communicate with the label/artist for interview requests
  • Create playlists
  • Reduce library costs and storage as the content is located directly on the system’s servers
  • Much more

Music Industry
In an effort to reduced costs, !earshot-Distro should save approximately 70% of costs in comparison to servicing ½ of the community sector.  This means that artists, labels and distributors can reach double the number of stations, and jump the station barrier to reach upwards of 10,000 programmers directly.  Benefits of the system include:

  • No need for physical CD (Production cost, delivery, and breakage)
  • Access to many more points of airplay
  • Acceptance of singles
  • Ability to reach many more markets and a very reduced timeline
  • Communication in-house with station and programmers
  • Ability to oversee multiple users to streamline uploads
  • Easy and automated reporting
  • Much more

Environmental Impact
There is a dire need for reduced environmental impacts around the world. The !earshot-Distro system helps to reduce waste, transportation costs, single-use plastics and more

  • Potential to remove 100,000’s of CD’s being produced annually for the Campus/Community Broadcast Sector,
  • Reduction of 100,000’s of packages with CD’s, supporting sheets and single-use plastics, delivery costs all moved to digital distribution,
  • Access to music online by anyone, reducing the need to travel,
  • Ability to remove CD’s at in-house libraries and turn that space into usable space within the station