!earshot Distro Music Digest (159)


There’s many albums to checkout from the week of March 8th to the 14th!

Highlights of the Week:

Album:  Singles: Show:
J’mettrai le feu (2024-02-07)MESSE

MAPL Compliant

> Rock


Bras de fer (2024-03-15)Vanwho

MAPL Compliant

> Alternative

Vinyl Catacombs (2024-01-24)Michael Thurnell 

> Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)


Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre # in Release
Supernatural Evocation (2024-03-15)SurgicalBLue YES Alternative (7) 
Eatin’ It (2024-03-15)GreenWing YES Alternative (8) 
CD Wallet (2024-03-08)HOMESHAKE YES Alternative (9) 
The Gambit (2024-03-12)The Lookout Service YES Alternative (11)
Live More Forever (2024-03-11)Customer Service YES Alternative (5)
Boiling Over (2024-04-05)Julie Aubé YES Country (5)
After the Masquerade (2024-03-22)Shaela Miller YES Country (11)
Howdy StrangerDawson Forsey YES Country (6)
Lonely Mission (2024-05-10)Jake Nicoll YES Folk (9)
Animal’s AwakeAIKO TOMI YES Pop (11)
P.T. & Kholebeatz (2024-02-12)Pimpton YES Rap (8)
That’s It (2024-04-04)DahL YES Rock (9)
Mystic Humanism (2024-03-15)Jared Adams YES Rock (10)
Music Rising (2024-03-11)Darryl Marks YES Rock (3)


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Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre
Still Waters (2024-03-11)Dahlia Wakefield YES Alternative
Best Part (2024-03-21)Zaac Pick YES Alternative
things i never told u (2024-03-01)blue monday YES Alternative
Child of this City (2024-03-08)Coastal Town YES Alternative
Find Your Way (2024-03-07)Campbell & Johnston YES Blues
White Funeral (2024-03-20)Glen Foster Group YES Blues
Rattlesnake Blues (2024-03-10)The Konsorados YES Blues
Get Out (2020-07-17)Dawson Forsey YES Country
Crazy Women River (2024-03-10)The Konsorados YES Country
Why Be You When You Can Be Me? (2024-03-08)Particular Particle YES Electronic
Teton Range (2024-03-10)The Konsorados YES Electronic
Teton Range Solo Piano (2024-03-10)The Konsorados YES Experimental
Velvet Paintings (2024-04-19)Leaf Rapids YES Folk
Ghost (2024-03-10)Halley Stars YES Folk
Redwing Blackbird (2024-03-25)Danielle Schroeder YES Folk
Worn Out (2024-03-08)Les Armstrong  Folk
All That I Want (2024-03-08)Callie McCullough  Folk
Good Horse (2024-03-10)The Konsorados Folk
Oh Nahanni (2024-03-10)Stephen Schijns YES Folk
Perfection (2024-03-08)Once A Tree YES Pop
Dance The Pain Away (2024-03-08)Xaotyk YES Pop
Unexpected Treasure (2024-03-11)Chloe Rose  Pop
Down At The Fife & Drum (2024-03-10)Stephen Schijns YES Pop
Strike One (2024-04-24)Thunder Queens YES Punk
Love Come Save Me (2024-03-13)Mike Celia’s Band YES R&B
Don’t You Lie to Me (2024-03-15)Tracey Kayy YES R&B
HIATUS (2024-03-12)Myer Clarity YES Rap
Ready for Whatever (2024-03-01)G Major XCSLV YES Rap
IMPOSTER SYNDROME (2024-03-08)A.N.  Rock
Inside The Synapse (2024-03-08)Treading Zero YES Rock
Person (Radio Edit) (2024-03-13)Ballsy YES Rock
R.B. (2024-03-13)Population II YES Rock
Live It Up featuring Tim Ripper Owens (2024-03-11)MJM YES Rock
Black Shellac (2024-03-20)The Wivez YES Rock
Colorado Skies (2024-03-10)The Konsorados YES Latin
San Luis (2024-03-10)The Konsorados YES Latin
Killdozer (2024-03-15)IRON MOOSE Metal


Show Name + Programmer Genre
Songwriters From Here And AwayRobert Campbell Acoustic (Radio Show)
Back Porch Bluegrass Show (2022-08-04)Paul Trenwith  Bluegrass (Radio Show)
On the Marquee (2023-05-07)Julie Simmons  Concert (Radio Show)
Classical Muse (2023-11-01)David Cavlovic  Concert (Radio Show)
JAM Live!Dieter Gade Concert (Radio Show)
Songs From A Quiet Place (2024-01-23)Michael Thurnell Easy Listening (Radio Show)
Routes & Branches & Beyond (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
rabble radio (2022-10-18)rabble radio Politics (Radio Show)
Coasting (2023-11-04)Chad Mantz Popular Music (Radio Show)
!earshot20 (2022-08-12)Stephen Munga Popular Music (Radio Show)
The Charts (2022-06-30)Dinah Jansen Popular Music (Radio Show)
Retrospect 60s Garage Punk Show (2022-07-11)Phil Grey Punk (Radio Show)
Orchestral Manoevres after Dark (2024-01-10)Dinah Jansen Popular Music (Radio Show)
Handi-Link (2022-07-01)Cam Wells  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
WINGS (2022-08-30)WINGS Team  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Sips, Suds, & SmokesOne Tan Hand Productions  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
CanQueer (2022-12-16)Luke Smith  News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
Viewpoints (2023-11-16)Community Radio Fund Of Canada – Viewpoints News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
World Beat Canada Radio (2022-09-08)Cal Koat International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Celt In A Twist (2022-09-08)Patricia Fraser International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Hola Canada – (2023-05-02)Rosa Ortega Tyrel  International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
The Freedom PrincipleTom Fleming  International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Revolution Rock (2022-07-04)Dave Konstantino  Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)
Modern Jazz Today (2023-05-01)Jeff Williams  Jazz (Radio Show)
Julian Taylor’s Jukebox (2022-08-15)Julian Taylor  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
The Sentinel’s Marvellous Kaleidoscope (2023-01-23)Nicholas Cooper Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Backbeat (2022-06-12)Lorne VanSinclair Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
!Earshot Daily (2022-08-12)!Earshot Daily (AJ Walsh) Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Deep Threes (2022-09-21)John “Jay” Burgund  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Cheeze Pleeze (2022-07-13)Snarfdude and Daffodil  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)