!earshot Distro Music Digest (121 New Tracks)


Here are the new uploads from November 3rd to the 9th:

Highlights of the Week:

Album:  Single:  Show
Music That Humans Can Play (2023-11-17)Autogramm

MAPL!e Compliance

> Pop


Love Me Back (2023-11-09)Ezi Margolis

MAPL!e Compliance

> Folk

Saúde em dia (2023-11-07)Taissa Stivanin

> Health (Radio Show)


Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre # in Release
The Lighter Darker Age (2023-12-01)No Museums YES Alternative (10)
Skyward (2023-11-03)0Stella YES Alternative (7)
En Route (2023-11-03)Gillian Smith Classical Century (12)
Brighter Light (2023-12-06)Benjamin Russell & Rob Stuart YES Electronic (4)
Mark Thackway (2023-11-17)Mark Thackway YES Folk (6)
Here I Am (2023-03-31)Hughes YES Folk (4) 
Starry Eyed In A Pipe Dream Life (2023-11-05)Alba Burke YES Pop (7) 
After This (2023-11-03)Adrian Underhill YES Pop (10)
Paradigm Shift (2023-11-03)Super Duty Tough Work YES Rap (9) 
Exit Wounds (2023-11-03)The Rules YES Rock (6)


You can follow us on:






Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre
Never A Part (2023-11-17)The Fourth Wall  Alternative
Miserable (2023-11-03)Little Fauna’s Band YES Alternative
Still (2023-11-06)Habits YES Alternative
Studio Ghibli Tears (2023-11-03)Coastal Town YES Alternative
Funky Dance (2023-11-03)Mr Super Dude X KinderChartin’ YES Children’s Music
Dogma(x) (2023-11-05)apaull YES Electronic 
Idaho (2023-09-22)Hughes YES Folk 
This Life (2023-11-03)Dearest Henry YES Folk
The Confetti Tree (2023-11-03)Mark Wonneck YES Folk
Weightlessly (2023-11-03)Mark Wonneck YES Folk
Warrior Ride (2023-11-10)Burnstick YES Folk
Quote The Raven (2023-11-17)Quote The Raven YES Folk
Being Honest (2023-12-01)The Two Body Problem Folk
Brand New (2023-11-07)Mark Wonneck YES Folk
Following Some Birds (2023-11-07)Mark Wonneck YES Folk
Never Enough (2023-11-07)Mark Wonneck YES Folk
The Company of Four-Year Olds (2023-11-07)Mark Wonneck YES Folk
In The Matters (2023-11-17)SIESKI YES Pop
Bare Soul (2023-11-11)Franc O’cher YES Pop
Never Enough (2023-11-03)Choirz YES Pop
Rover (2023-11-08)Nightshifts YES Pop
Over (2023-11-06)Silva Musica YES Pop
You Call Me (2023-11-03)Kayla Williams YES Pop
Soulscape (2023-10-31)Jef Kearns YES R&B
Serenity (2023-11-03)Tracy Cui YES R&B
Breaking Free (2023-11-03)Rebecca Sichon YES R&B
Same Same (2023-10-18)Sarah Orton YES R&B
Wave to Glide (2023-11-03)Shane Larmand  YES Rock
At One Percent (2023-11-08)Tiny Horse YES Rock
Yellowbee (2023-03-23)Mother Sun YES Rock
Stay (2023-11-07)Mercury Messiah YES Rock
Good Morning (2023-11-03)Mother Sun YES Rock
I’ll Lift You Up (When You Are Down) (2023-11-07)Franklin McKay YES Spiritual
Yuletide (2023-10-20)Nicky Schrire YES Jazz


Show Name + Programmer Genre
Back Porch Bluegrass Show (2022-08-04)Paul Trenwith  Bluegrass (Radio Show)
Balmoral BluesDavid Blaine  Blues (Radio Show)
On the Marquee (2023-05-07)Julie Simmons  Concert (Radio Show)
Classical Muse (2023-11-01)David Cavlovic  Concert (Radio Show)
JAM Live!Dieter Gade  Concert (Radio Show)
NewFound Records (2022-07-07)Wayne Tucker Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
Routes & Branches & Beyond (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
rabble radio (2022-10-18)rabble radio  Politics (Radio Show)
Coasting (2023-11-04)Chad Mantz  Popular Music (Radio Show)
!earshot20 (2022-08-12)Stephen Munga  Popular Music (Radio Show)
Retrospect 60s Garage Punk Show (2022-07-11)Phil Grey Punk (Radio Show)
WINGS (2022-08-30)WINGS Team  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Handi-Link (2022-07-01)Cam Wells  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Sips, Suds, & SmokesOne Tan Hand Productions  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
The Conversation Lab (2023-09-06)Don Shafer Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Fit to Eat: the NL Farm and Food Show (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Society and Culture (Radio Show)
CanQueer (2022-12-16)Luke Smith  News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
Viewpoints (2022-06-01)Community Radio Fund Of Canada – Viewpoints News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
World Beat Canada Radio (2022-09-08)Cal Koat International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Celt In A Twist (2022-09-08)Patricia Fraser International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Hola Canada – (2023-05-02)Rosa Ortega Tyrel International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
The Freedom PrincipleTom Fleming  International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Revolution Rock (2022-07-04)Dave Konstantino  Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)
Home of Burnaby Rock (2023-06-01)Jon Thibault  Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)
Modern Jazz Today (2023-05-01)Jeff Williams  Jazz (Radio Show)
!Earshot Daily (2022-08-12)!Earshot Daily (AJ Walsh) Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
The Sentinel’s Marvellous Kaleidoscope (2023-01-23)Nicholas Cooper Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Girlie So Groovie (2022-07-11)Trevor Klundert  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Deep Threes (2022-09-21)John “Jay” Burgund  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Cheeze Pleeze (2022-07-13)Snarfdude and Daffodil  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Backbeat (2022-06-12)Lorne VanSinclair  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Julian Taylor’s Jukebox (2022-08-15)Julian Taylor  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)

!earshot Distro Music Digest (293 New Tracks)

Hello everyone!

Here are the new uploads from October 27th to November 2nd:

Highlights of the Week:

Album:  Single:  Show
Still Breaking Bad (2023-11-01)Lloyd Tosoff (DBA Artist, Lloyd Pilling Tosoff)’s BandMAPL Compliant

> Country


No Wifi (2023-11-01)Child ActressMAPL Compliant


Classical Muse (2023-11-01)David Cavlovic > Concert (Radio Show)


Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre # in Release
A New Devotion (20th Anniversary Edition) (2023-11-03)The High Dials YES Alternative (19)
Purgatory Bent (2023-10-28)Austin Eatman Band YES Alternative (12)
How to be Happy (2023-11-03)Voodoo Walters’s Band  Blues (10)
Let It Lie 10th Anniversary Deluxe Edition (2023-10-27)The Bros. Landreth YES Folk (11)
What She Said (2023-10-27)Rumour Mill’s Band YES Folk (9) 
Tambourine (2023-11-02)Geordie Gordon  Folk (12)
Soft (2020-12-10)Daniel Raymond  Folk (6)
Suspension (2022-03-27)Daniel Raymond YES Folk (9)
Echo Park (2023-10-27)Nick Zubeck YES Folk (8)
precious years (2023-11-03)davis & james YES Folk (6)
Ricochet (2023-11-02)Yehra YES Pop (5)
Punched in the FaceTwisted Limbs YES Punk (8) 
If you get, I want (2023-11-17)TV Erased YES Punk (11)
Bloodrhine EP (2023-11-17)BLOODRHINE YES Metal (5)
Gnarwhal (2023-04-14)Gnarwhal YES Metal (9)
BREAK (2023-10-27)ooluu YES Metal (15)
Tapes From Studio J (2023-10-31)John Moran YES Rock (11) 
KTEL (2023-11-03)Ox YES Rock (11)
A Rocking Christmas (2023-11-12)Jamie Penner YES Rock (5)
Come Again (2023-11-02)Dirti Speshuls YES Rock (9)
Even If It Kills Me (2023-10-27)Charlie PS Rock (5)
Set Your Pussy Free (2023-10-27)NOBRO YES Rock (11)
Tales of Tricksters and Vagabonds (2023-10-06)Mike Herriott YES Jazz (6)


You can follow us on:






Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre
Eloise (version française avec Lou-Adriane Cassidy) (2023-11-02)Patrick Krief YES Alternative
School Tour (2023-11-01)Brookside Mall YES Alternative
Growing (2023-10-27)Lauren Carson YES Country
Tell Me (2023-11-03)Diane Raeside and Frank Nicoletti YES Country
Somebody’s Gonna Do It To You (2023-11-01)Diane Raeside and Frank Nicoletti YES Country
Silo MK2 (redux by HORNETS!) (2023-11-01)Deadbeat Superheroes YES Electronic 
Shangri-La (redux by HORNETS!) (2023-11-01)Deadbeat Superheroes YES Electronic 
Silo MK2 (redux by HORNETS!) (2023-11-01)Deadbeat Superheroes YES Electronic 
Blind Luminescence (redux by HORNETS!) (2023-11-01)Deadbeat Superheroes YES Electronic 
Miami Trip (Down Low) (2023-11-10)James Curtis YES Electronic 
By The Side Of The Road (redux by HORNETS!) (2023-11-01)Deadbeat Superheroes YES Electronic 
Shangri-La (redux by HORNETS!) (2023-11-01)Deadbeat Superheroes YES Electronic
Caroline (2023-11-03)Tyson Ray Borsboom  Folk
Downtown (2023-10-27)Andrew Rodgers YES Folk
Miss You at Christmas Time (2023-10-27)Dale D’Amore YES Folk
Spaces (2023-10-27)Carly Reirson YES Folk
Last Christmas (2023-11-02)The Matinee  YES Pop
No Expectations (2023-10-13)The Humble Cartel YES Pop
Beloved (2023-11-01)Child Actress YES Pop
Dance With You (2023-02-10)The Humble Cartel YES Pop
Nothing will Survive (2023-10-27)Fist Fight with Gandhi YES Punk
Battery (2023-11-03)Twisted Limbs YES Punk
Underground Remastered (2023-10-30)The Spys YES Punk
Way Back (2023-10-20)Penny Shades YES R&B
Boogie (2023-12-01)Sinzere YES R&B
Big PimpinSinzere YES Rap
Jingle Bell 2023 (2023-11-01)Ekelle YES Rap
Stay In The LightTea Fannie YES Rap
Burn (2023-11-08)Naghmeh YES Rock
Some Kind Of Monster (2023-10-28)Renita Zintel YES Rock
Christmas Boogie (2023-10-27)Dale D’Amore YES Rock
Sleight of Hand (2023-11-02)FLUX440 YES Rock
Hunger (2023-11-02)FLUX440 YES Rock
One That I’ve Been Looking For (2023-07-14)Nick Earle & The Reckless Hearts YES Rock
Dumb Dumb In Distress (2023-11-15)Aistis YES Rock
Island (2023-11-02)FLUX440 YES Rock
Leave Your Mind (2023-11-10)Lookout Tower  YES Rock
MAKE IT STICK (2023-11-02)FLUX440 YES Rock
I Whisper In My Sleep (2023-11-01)Eric Stephen Martin YES Rock
Take (2023-10-31)no big d YES Rock
Inside So Beautiful- Renzita from forthcoming album “My Sick Addiction” (2023-11-01)Renita Zintel YES Rock
SATISFY (2023-11-02)FLUX440 YES Rock
Angels (2023-11-01)Diane Raeside and Frank Nicoletti YES Spiritual
Angels (2023-11-01)Diane Raeside and Frank Nicoletti YES Spiritual
Perfect Time of Year (2023-11-03)Caity Gyorgy YES Jazz


Show Name + Programmer Genre
Back Porch Bluegrass Show (2022-08-04)Paul Trenwith  Bluegrass (Radio Show)
Balmoral BluesDavid Blaine  Blues (Radio Show)
On the Marquee (2023-05-07)Julie Simmons  Concert (Radio Show)
JAM Live!Dieter Gade  Concert (Radio Show)
NewFound Records (2022-07-07)Wayne Tucker Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
Routes & Branches & Beyond (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
rabble radio (2022-10-18)rabble radio  Politics (Radio Show)
The Charts (2022-06-30)Dinah Jansen  Popular Music (Radio Show)
Retrospect 60s Garage Punk Show (2022-07-11)Phil Grey Punk (Radio Show)
WINGS (2022-08-30)WINGS Team  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Sips, Suds, & SmokesOne Tan Hand Productions  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Fit to Eat: the NL Farm and Food Show (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Society and Culture (Radio Show)
CanQueer (2022-12-16)Luke Smith  News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
Viewpoints (2022-06-01)Community Radio Fund Of Canada – Viewpoints News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
World Beat Canada Radio (2022-09-08)Cal Koat International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Celt In A Twist (2022-09-08)Patricia Fraser International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Hola Canada – (2023-05-02)Rosa Ortega Tyrel International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
The Freedom PrincipleTom Fleming  International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Revolution Rock (2022-07-04)Dave Konstantino  Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)
Home of Burnaby Rock (2023-06-01)Jon Thibault  Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)
Modern Jazz Today (2023-05-01)Jeff Williams  Jazz (Radio Show)
!Earshot Daily (2022-08-12)!Earshot Daily (AJ Walsh) Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
The Sentinel’s Marvellous Kaleidoscope (2023-01-23)Nicholas Cooper Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Girlie So Groovie (2022-07-11)Trevor Klundert  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Deep Threes (2022-09-21)John “Jay” Burgund  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Cheeze Pleeze (2022-07-13)Snarfdude and Daffodil  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Backbeat (2022-06-12)Lorne VanSinclair  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Julian Taylor’s Jukebox (2022-08-15)Julian Taylor  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)

!earshot Distro Music Digest (324 New Tracks)

Hello everyone!

Here are the new uploads from October 20th to October 26th!

Highlights of the Week:

Album:  Single:  Show
Spooky Beats n’ Other Treats (2023-10-20)Moka Only

MAPL Compliant

> Rap


Eat My Brain (Odds Cover) (2023-10-25)OWL THEORY

MAPL Compliant

> Pop

On the Marquee (2023-05-07)Julie Simmons 

>Concert (Radio Show)


Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre # in Release
Nobody To You (2023-10-27)Centraal YES Alternative (11)
Oh No! (2023-11-03)Physical Congas YES Alternative (4)
BENDING TOWARDS THE SUN (2023-10-23)Summer Eyes YES Alternative (10)
Do You Wanna (2023-10-06)Trent Agecoutay YES Country (8)
Lucky (2023-11-02)Son of John YES Country (10)
Do You Wanna (2023-10-06)Trent Agecoutay YES Country (8)
Life Elevated LP (2023-10-20)Millimetrik YES Electronic (13)
Human Drama (2023-10-20)Violentene YES Electronic (5)
Last Mountain (2023-10-25)Lisa Butel and Brent Cross YES Experimental (11)
Ordinary Sunrise (2023-09-29)Jay Linden YES Folk (14)
Spiral Bound (2023-09-14)Ernest Aines Folk (10)
in from the darkHaley K Turner YES Folk (10)
Sonny Don’t Go Away: A Tribute To Ron Hynes (2023-10-20)Various Artists (Compilation) YES Folk (20)
In Waves (2023-10-22)Norma MacDonald YES Folk (10)
WTF Is Happiness? (2023-10-20)Robbie Tucker YES Pop (10)
Fortune and Glory, Pleasure and Pain (2023-10-27)Raygun Cowboys Punk (10) 
Witness To Your Empty Heart (2023-10-25)Dead Souls Punk (3)
Rainbows in the Narthex (2023-10-25)Danah-Lee YES Spiritual (11)
Instrumental Obscenity (2023-11-16)Jamie Ruben Jazz (14)
Golden Crab [Produced by Danny Miles] (2023-10-20)Swamp Thing YES Rap (13)
Love and Pain Compilation (2023-10-28)Dignatian YES Rap (20)
The Psychics Album (2023-12-01)Paige Drobot YES Rock (7) 
Golden Horizons (2023-10-21)A Sea of Gold and Burgundy YES Rock (2)
Live At The Barnhouse (2023-10-27)Sail Cassady YES Rock (3)
For Your AmusementPearly Gates YES Rock (9)
Letting Go (2023-10-20)Sarah Church YES Rock (13)
West Coast Band (2023-11-03)54•40 YES Rock (11)


You can follow us on:






Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre
It’s All Over Now (2023-10-24)MOnME YES Alternative
Leave This Home (2023-11-01)Dweller YES Alternative
Je t’ embrasse touju (2023-10-26)Dale D’Amore YES Alternative
Blood Moon (2023-10-20)Pat Clifton and The Nolias YES Alternative
Get Away (2023-10-27)LENOIRE YES Alternative
The Fence Sitters Elegy (2023-10-21)Eli Boucher YES Alternative
Surrender (2023-10-25)The High Dials YES Alternative
A New Devotion (20th Anniversary Edition) (2023-11-03)The High Dials YES Alternative
omg it’s xmas (2023-11-02)Ballsy YES Alternative
Santa’s Got It in the Bag (2023-11-13)Sean Poluk YES Blues
It’s Christmas Time Again! (2023-11-16)Campbell & Johnston YES Blues
Alive (2023-10-29)Lori Yates YES Country
When You’re Around (2023-05-25)Ryan O’Brien YES Country
When You Come Back Down (2023-10-20)Son of John YES Country
Sarah Mclachlan – Sweet Surrender (Bootleg Club Remix) (2023-10-21)Jakub Checinsk YES Electronic 
Équinoxe (2023-10-20)tjrstjrstriste YES Electronic 
Silo (redux by HORNETS!) (2023-10-21)Deadbeat Superheroes YES Electronic
It’s Christmas (2023-10-25)Connor & the Musicians YES Folk
Raise a Glass (2023-10-21)Ian Crewe YES Folk
County Fair Queen (2023-10-20)Freightliner YES Folk
Sing me a song (2023-10-22)Vintage Lapointe YES Folk
not sad (2023-10-31)Harper K. Smith YES Pop
Intangible Things (A Hanukkah Song) (2023-10-21)Haley K Turner YES Pop
she (2023-10-28)magenta YES Pop
I’m Still Here (2023-10-27)Kristin Carter YES Pop
Lust (2023-10-26)Saturn Blue YES R&B
Everything I Need (2023-11-17)Tissa Rahim YES R&B
Like That (2023-10-24)Elle Angeles YES R&B
Faithless (2023-11-03)The Banquets  Rock
All or Nothing (2023-11-03)Maddisun YES Rock
Worried Sick (2023-10-20)Needle Crafts YES Rock
Fire Burn (2023-11-10)The Whythouse YES Reggae


Show Name + Programmer Genre
Back Porch Bluegrass Show (2022-08-04)Paul Trenwith  Bluegrass (Radio Show)
Balmoral BluesDavid Blaine  Blues (Radio Show)
JAM Live!Dieter Gade  Concert (Radio Show)
NewFound Records (2022-07-07)Wayne Tucker Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
Routes & Branches & Beyond (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
!earshot20 (2022-08-12)Stephen Munga Popular Music (Radio Show)
The Charts (2022-06-30)Dinah Jansen  Popular Music (Radio Show)
Retrospect 60s Garage Punk Show (2022-07-11)Phil Grey Punk (Radio Show)
WINGS (2022-08-30)WINGS Team  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Sips, Suds, & SmokesOne Tan Hand Productions  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Handi-Link (2022-07-01)Cam Wells Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Fit to Eat: the NL Farm and Food Show (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Society and Culture (Radio Show)
The Conversation Lab (2023-09-06)Don Shafer Society and Culture (Radio Show)
Viewpoints (2022-06-01)Community Radio Fund Of Canada – Viewpoints News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
World Beat Canada Radio (2022-09-08)Cal Koat International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Celt In A Twist (2022-09-08)Patricia Fraser International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Hola Canada – (2023-05-02)Rosa Ortega Tyrel International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
The Freedom PrincipleTom Fleming  International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Revolution Rock (2022-07-04)Dave Konstantino  Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)
Modern Jazz Today (2023-05-01)Jeff Williams  Jazz (Radio Show)
!Earshot Daily (2022-08-12)!Earshot Daily (AJ Walsh) Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
The Sentinel’s Marvellous Kaleidoscope (2023-01-23)Nicholas Cooper Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Girlie So Groovie (2022-07-11)Trevor Klundert  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Deep Threes (2022-09-21)John “Jay” Burgund  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Cheeze Pleeze (2022-07-13)Snarfdude and Daffodil  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Backbeat (2022-06-12)Lorne VanSinclair  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Julian Taylor’s Jukebox (2022-08-15)Julian Taylor  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)

!earshot Distro Music Digest (173 New Tracks)


Here are all the new uploads from October 13th to October 19th:

Highlights of the Week:

Album:  Single:  Show
Harvest Highway (2023-10-13)Jimmy Rankin

MAPL Compliant

> Folk


Ya no estoy aquí (2023-10-25)Natasha Roldán

MAPL Compliant

> Latin

World Beat Canada Radio (2022-09-08)Cal Koat

> International & Third-Language (Radio Show)


Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre # in Release
You Were There (2023-10-24)Dear Vandal YES Alternative (14)
Black Bear (2023-10-17)Fake Shape YES Alternative (2)
Tiki Motel 2 (2023-10-14)Swamp Music Players YES Alternative (6) 
Ain’t What I Once Was (2023-10-17)Sean Hamilton and the Amber Hour’s Band YES Alternative (11)
Heart (2023-10-13)Intrinsical YES Electronic (2)
Lost & Found (2023-06-27)Intrinsical YES Electronic (5) 
Vampyre Year (2023-10-13)Virgo Rising YES Folk (5)
Mental Backroads (2023-10-20)Vikki Gilmore YES Folk (8)
A Sea To Scream At (2023-10-25)Wisent Punk (2)
If I Had (2023-10-20)Curtis Nowosad YES Jazz (4) 
Butterflies (2023-10-15)Robyn Black Feat. Lou Pomanti YES R&B (11)
Time Waits For No Woman (2023-10-13)Hanorah YES R&B (3)
Another Kind of Train (2023-11-03)Brother Bicker Band YES Rock (10)
Flow Like Water (2023-10-17)Introduce Wolves YES Rock (5)
Elephant Wizard (2024-01-12)Les Moontunes YES Rock (14)
Just So EP (2023-09-30)Foxwell YES Rock (4) 
Train Wrecks and Pretty Things (2023-10-17)Graham Tracey YES Rock (3)
She (2023-10-19)MELODNA YES World (4)


You can follow us on:






Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre
I’m Starting To Think I’m Bad At Parties (2023-10-13)The Darcys YES Alternative
Voie Lactée (2023-11-02)Vanwho YES Alternative
The Great Divide (2023-10-17)The Sarandons YES Alternative
Til The World Gets Sick Of Us (2023-10-13)Alex Sampson YES Alternative
Righteous (2023-10-19)Campbell & Johnston YES Blues
Molotov (2022-03-31)Sam Wentzell YES Blues
Honkytonk Right Now (2023-10-18)Merle Marlow Band Country
Blame It On Me (2023-10-16)Adam Johnson YES Country
Tight Dope (2023-10-13)apaull YES Electronic 
Snowing In Saskatoon (2023-10-14)Lou Satacousse Folk
Annie’s Daughter (2023-10-13)The Pairs YES Folk
The Archer (2023-10-27)CLARA CLOUD YES Folk
There Tonight (2023-10-19)Cody Coyote YES Pop
Let’s Ride (2023-10-15)Ashes and Dreams YES Pop
Is There More? (2023-10-13)Benzo Berea YES Pop
Where Does Love Go (2023-10-09)Silva Musica YES Pop
Gravity (2023-10-06)Cam Blake YES Pop
Midnight Sky (2023-10-16)Silva Musica YES Pop
Surgical (2023-10-13)LORYANN YES Pop
That Song (2023-10-20)NIIVA YES Pop
Halfway to Hockney (2023-10-27)Conscious Pilot Punk
Watch Me (2023-10-14)Markus Murphy YES R&B
Trust Myself (2023-11-03)Clarissa Diokno YES R&B
How It’s Goin (2023-10-20)Oliver James Brooks YES Rock
…Baby One More Time (2023-10-17)Introduce Wolves YES Rock
Iconic (feat. Jax) (2023-10-13)Simple Plan YES Rock
Lost (2023-10-20)Jason Hofer YES Rock
Hard-Luck Parade (2023-10-19)Matty K  YES Rock
Bleed (2023-10-19)Vogue Villains YES Rock
Feels Real (2023-10-13)Tree Museum YES Rock
Aces & 8’s (2023-10-13)Berk Jodoin YES Rock


Show Name + Programmer Genre
Songs from A Quiet Place (2023-07-19)Michael Thurnell Acoustic (Radio Show)
Back Porch Bluegrass Show (2022-08-04)Paul Trenwith  Bluegrass (Radio Show)
Balmoral BluesDavid Blaine  Blues (Radio Show)
On the Marquee (2023-05-07)Julie Simmons  Concert (Radio Show)
JAM Live!Dieter Gade  Concert (Radio Show)
NewFound Records (2022-07-07)Wayne Tucker Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
Routes & Branches & Beyond (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
!earshot20 (2022-08-12)Stephen Munga Popular Music (Radio Show)
Latin Waves (2022-08-03)Sylvia Richardson Popular Music (Radio Show)
The Charts (2022-06-30)Dinah Jansen  Popular Music (Radio Show)
Retrospect 60s Garage Punk Show (2022-07-11)Phil Grey Punk (Radio Show)
Truth Before Reconciliation (2023-10-13)Scott Price  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
WINGS (2022-08-30)WINGS Team  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Sips, Suds, & SmokesOne Tan Hand Productions  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Handi-Link (2022-07-01)Cam Wells Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Viewpoints (2022-06-01)Community Radio Fund Of Canada – Viewpoints News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
CanQueer (2022-12-16)Luke Smith News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
Celt In A Twist (2022-09-08)Patricia Fraser International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Hola Canada – (2023-05-02)Rosa Ortega Tyrel International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
The Freedom PrincipleTom Fleming  International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Revolution Rock (2022-07-04)Dave Konstantino  Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)
Modern Jazz Today (2023-05-01)Jeff Williams  Jazz (Radio Show)
JAZZ BOULEVARD RADIO SHOW (2022-07-22)JAZZ BOULEVARD / Moz Taylor Jazz (Radio Show)
The Sentinel’s Marvellous Kaleidoscope (2023-01-23)Nicholas Cooper Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Girlie So Groovie (2022-07-11)Trevor Klundert  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Deep Threes (2022-09-21)John “Jay” Burgund  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Cheeze Pleeze (2022-07-13)Snarfdude and Daffodil  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Backbeat (2022-06-12)Lorne VanSinclair  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Julian Taylor’s Jukebox (2022-08-15)Julian Taylor  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)

!earshot Distro Music Digest (138 New Tracks)


Here are all the new uploads from October 6th to October 12th

Highlights of the Week:

Album:  Single:  Show

Luminos Voices

MAPL Compliant

> Classical Century

Hunter (2023-10-12)

Vicki Lovelee

MAPL Compliant

> Pop

NewFound Records (2022-07-07)

Wayne Tucker

> Folk & Roots (Radio Show)


Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre # in Release
Blurry Vision (2023-10-20)Shred Kelly YES Alternative (10)
All I Ever Wanted (2023-10-23)First of the Last Stars YES Alternative (4)
Good Day Good Night (2023-10-06)David Deacon YES Blues (8)
MIN (2023-10-12)KERUB YES Electronic (9)
Seek the Sun (2023-10-06)Clare Siobhan YES Folk (6)
Perfume (2023-10-08)Tilda Snakeoil YES Punk (4)
This, That and the Third (2023-10-20)Park-Like Setting  Rap (12) 
Fortunate Losers (2023-10-06)Fortunate Losers YES Rock (11)
Do Me Some Harm (2023-10-20)Joan Smith & the Jane Does YES Rock (12) 
Climate Songs (For Lovers) (2023-10-24)Dave Cherub YES Rock (14)
Play Cobra (2023-10-09)Phuture Memoriez YES Rock (10)
Limits (2023-10-20)Silvertone Hills YES Rock (8) 
Mistake of the Ear (The Peppermoth Variations) (2023-10-13)Eccodek YES World (8)


You can follow us on:






Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre
Planted In My Mind (2023-10-10)HHotri YES Alternative
Letting Go (2023-10-09)Wade Tarling YES Classical Century
That’s How It Goes (2023-10-10)Dana Powell YES Country
Sticker on My ToeMr Super Dude X KinderChartin’ YES Children’s Music
Just One Look (2023-10-13)Angie Bohlke YES Country
Angie-Leigh (2023-10-08)Trey Judson YES Country
All Costs (2023-10-13)Allen Dobb YES Country
Ceremony of the Crow (featuring Tim Bratton) (2023-10-06)Bewildernest YES Electronic 
Velvet Shadow (2023-10-08)Cedar Roots YES Folk
Hymns Within (2023-10-11)Low Country Hill YES Folk
The Sunshine Coast (2023-10-06)Thirsty Howell YES Jazz
The People (2023-10-06)Ashes and Dreams YES Pop
Coat of Arms (2023-10-10)Some Exercise YES Punk
You Are Not My Enemy (2023-10-20)Jared Adams YES Punk
I’m a Trixter (2023-10-11)Jonathan Billings YES Rock
Spun Out (2023-10-08)Killian Ruffley YES Rock
Falling For Love (2023-10-09)Elias Cooper YES Rock
Final Act Of Defiance (2023-10-03)Glen Foster Group YES Rock
Spine Stabber (2023-10-12)Gadfly YES Rock
GRAVITY ft. Cody lawless & Mythos (2023-10-06)Cam Blake YES Rock
CONSTANÇA (2023-10-06)Sergio Xocolate YES World 


Show Name + Programmer Genre
Back Porch Bluegrass Show (2022-08-04)Paul Trenwith  Bluegrass (Radio Show)
Balmoral BluesDavid Blaine  Blues (Radio Show)
On the Marquee (2023-05-07)Julie Simmons  Concert (Radio Show)
JAM Live!Dieter Gade  Concert (Radio Show)
Folk Roots Radio (2023-09-14)Jan Hall Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
!earshot20 (2022-08-12)Stephen Munga Popular Music (Radio Show)
The Charts (2022-06-30)Dinah Jansen  Popular Music (Radio Show)
Retrospect 60s Garage Punk Show (2022-07-11)Phil Grey Punk (Radio Show)
Fit to Eat: the NL Farm and Food Show (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Society and Culture (Radio Show)
The Conversation Lab (2023-09-06)Don Shafer Society and Culture (Radio Show)
WINGS (2022-08-30)WINGS Team  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Sips, Suds, & SmokesOne Tan Hand Productions  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Handi-Link (2022-07-01)Cam Wells Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Viewpoints (2022-06-01)Community Radio Fund Of Canada – Viewpoints News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
CanQueer (2022-12-16)Luke Smith News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
World Beat Canada Radio (2022-09-08)Cal Koat International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Celt In A Twist (2022-09-08)Patricia Fraser International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
The Freedom PrincipleTom Fleming  International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Revolution Rock (2022-07-04)Dave Konstantino  Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)
Modern Jazz Today (2023-05-01)Jeff Williams  Jazz (Radio Show)
JAZZ BOULEVARD RADIO SHOW (2022-07-22)JAZZ BOULEVARD / Moz Taylor Jazz (Radio Show)
!Earshot Daily (2022-08-12)!Earshot Daily (AJ Walsh)  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Girlie So Groovie (2022-07-11)Trevor Klundert  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Deep Threes (2022-09-21)John “Jay” Burgund  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Cheeze Pleeze (2022-07-13)Snarfdude and Daffodil  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Backbeat (2022-06-12)Lorne VanSinclair  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Julian Taylor’s Jukebox (2022-08-15)Julian Taylor  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)

!earshot Distro Music Digest (138 New Tracks)

Here are all the new uploads from September 29th to October 5th!

Highlights of the Week:

Album:  Single:  Show
Just Call Me Buwa (2023-10-05)Buwa

MAPL Compliant

> R&B


Reverie (2023-09-29)Olinda

MAPL Compliant

> Pop

Retrospect 60s Garage Punk Show (2022-07-11)Phil Grey

> Punk (Radio Show)


Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre # in Release
Welcome to the Plunderdome (2023-10-02)Lowest of the Low YES Alternative (12)
Bluegrass InspiredThe Heavy Lighters YES Bluegrass (7)
I’m Too Much (2023-09-29)Abby Grace YES Country (6)
Coast to Coast (2021-10-01)The Sun Harmonic YES Folk (11) 
Spring (2023-10-20)The Sun Harmonic YES Folk (9) 
WINNIPEG – ORIT SHIMONI (2023-10-06)Orit Shimoni YES Folk (10)
Dino DNA (2023-10-13)ex-cowboy YES Punk (6)
Embers (2023-10-29)Melody McArthur YES R&B (9) 
You Know That You Want To (2023-09-29)Redhead Mack Band YES Rock (12)
See This Brick (2023-10-02)Bob Bryden YES Rock (8)
Primal Forces (2023-10-06)La Chinga YES Rock (10) 


You can follow us on:






Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre
The Water (Hold On To Me) feat. JC Campbell (2023-10-06)Daggerss YES Alternative
Running in the Rain (2023-09-28)moira chicilo Alternative
Breathe In Breathe Out (2023-09-28)moira chicilo Alternative
Life of a Farmer (2023-09-30)Various Artists (Compilation) YES Country
Always Be My Home (2023-09-30)Molly Ferdinand YES Country
When You’re Sober (2023-10-03)Victoria House YES Country
Day’s End (2023-09-29)Karla García Electronic 
Water (2023-10-03)Ani After Death YES Electronic 
Ishq Hua (Love Happened) (2023-09-29)Ikky Electronic 
Born To Be (2023-10-04)Myk Gordon YES Folk
Life Carries On (2023-09-28)moira chicilo Folk
On your own (2023-10-01)Vintage Lapointe YES Folk
Ebb and Flow (2023-10-01)Scott Nolan YES Folk
I Am The Moon (2023-10-13)The Two Body Problem YES Folk
Dumb Enough – Clean version (2023-09-29)Aurora Bella YES Pop
Queen of Hearts (2023-09-29)Ezi Margolis YES Pop
détours (2023-10-05)Ivytide YES Pop
Demons (2023-10-02)Silva Musica YES Pop
All That Matters (2023-10-03)Franklin McKay YES Pop
I Feel Fine (2023-10-03)Infinite Jest YES Pop
FATHER JOHN (2023-10-05)Family Man YES Punk
Let It Go(2022-11-11)


LatelyKenny Jeon YES R&B
Need 2 (2023-09-29)Jackie Art YES Rap
Down to the Devil (2023-09-29)Charlie PS YES Rock
The Way I Am (2023-10-13)Fresh Breath YES Rock
Fade AwayF!TH YES Rock
Till it hurts (2023-10-06)Marc Robillard YES Rock
Workin’ On It (2023-10-05)54•40 YES Rock
Thanatos (2023-09-29)Ashley Adams YES Rock
By Morning (2023-10-13)Jackson Klippenstein YES Rock 


Show Name + Programmer Genre
Back Porch Bluegrass Show (2022-08-04)Paul Trenwith  Bluegrass (Radio Show)
Balmoral BluesDavid Blaine  Blues (Radio Show)
On the Marquee (2023-05-07)Julie Simmons  Concert (Radio Show)
JAM Live!Dieter Gade  Concert (Radio Show)
Routes & Branches & Beyond (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
Folk Roots Radio (2023-09-14)Jan Hall Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
!earshot20 (2022-08-12)Stephen Munga Popular Music (Radio Show)
The Charts (2022-06-30)Dinah Jansen  Popular Music (Radio Show)
Fit to Eat: the NL Farm and Food Show (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Society and Culture (Radio Show)
The Conversation Lab (2023-09-06)Don Shafer Society and Culture (Radio Show)
WINGS (2022-08-30)WINGS Team  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Sips, Suds, & SmokesOne Tan Hand Productions  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Handi-Link (2022-07-01)Cam Wells Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Viewpoints (2022-06-01)Community Radio Fund Of Canada – Viewpoints News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
Hola Canada – (2023-05-02)Rosa Ortega Tyrel  International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
World Beat Canada Radio (2022-09-08)Cal Koat International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Celt In A Twist (2022-09-08)Patricia Fraser International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
The Freedom PrincipleTom Fleming  International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Revolution Rock (2022-07-04)Dave Konstantino  Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)
Modern Jazz Today (2023-05-01)Jeff Williams  Jazz (Radio Show)
JAZZ BOULEVARD RADIO SHOW (2022-07-22)JAZZ BOULEVARD / Moz Taylor Jazz (Radio Show)
!Earshot Daily (2022-08-12)!Earshot Daily (AJ Walsh)  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Girlie So Groovie (2022-07-11)Trevor Klundert  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Deep Threes (2022-09-21)John “Jay” Burgund  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Cheeze Pleeze (2022-07-13)Snarfdude and Daffodil  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Backbeat (2022-06-12)Lorne VanSinclair  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Julian Taylor’s Jukebox (2022-08-15)Julian Taylor  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
The Sentinel’s Marvellous Kaleidoscope (2023-01-23)Nicholas Cooper  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)

!earshot Distro Music Digest (272 New Tracks)

Hello everyone! 

Here are all the new uploads from September 22nd to 28th:

Highlights of the Week:

Album:  Single:  Show
Los Santos y Pecadores (2023-09-29)Battle of Santiago

MAPL Compliant

> Latin

Running Shoes (2023-09-22)AVIV

MAPL Compliant

> Alternative

!Earshot Daily (2022-08-12)!Earshot Daily (AJ Walsh) 

> Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)


Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre # in Release
Cowboy Witchcraft (2023-10-13)Kue Varo YES Alternative (10)
Down The Ride (2023-09-22)Hey Major YES Alternative (10)
Running Away (2023-09-29)Jeremy Voltz YES Alternative (10)
I Know, I Guess (2023-10-06)Tired Cossack YES Alternative (12) 
shark bite spite (2023-09-22)Shark Bite Spite YES Alternative (11) 
God Is An Endless Mirror (2023-09-22)Jayli Wolf YES Alternative (7)
Today We’re Believers 10th Anniversary Deluxe Edition (2023-09-28)Royal Canoe YES Alternative (15)
Found In Floods (2023-09-22)Huron Lines YES Alternative (9) 
One Step Closer (2023-08-19)Brandon Isaak Blues (10) 
Abby’s Amblings-The PathAbby Grace YES Country (15) 
Remember Your Friends (2021-11-21)Abby Grace YES Folk (6)
Wanna Change the World (2020-06-20)Abby Grace YES Folk (13)
Just Another Day (2023-09-22)Royal Wood YES Folk (5) 
The Lost Art of Pulling Through (2023-09-29)Loryn Taggart YES Folk (10)
Senses of the Sea (2023-09-28)Abby Grace YES Folk (9)
Apperception (2023-09-29)The Moon & I YES Pop (7)
Diversions (2023-10-13)À La Mode YES Pop (7)
King Jus & Fresh Kils – “Work Hard II – Retroactive” (2023-09-29)King Jus YES Rap (12)
Losing in Vain (2023-09-17)Rome IX YES R&B (10)
ALLURE (2023-09-22)The Merci Buckets YES Rock (10)
Living Here on Earth (2023-03-13)Abby Grace YES Spiritual (7)
Kabeera – The Thinker… (2023-10-11)Vandana Vishwas YES World (8)


You can follow us on:






Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre
Technologically Stoned (2023-09-22)Oliver James Brooks YES Alternative
You’re Not Mine (2023-09-22)Elephant Seal YES Alternative
It’s EasyFake Shape YES Alternative
East Wind (2023-09-08)Paul MacIntosh and The Lost Keys YES Alternative
Senses of the Sea Childrens Audiobook (2020-02-08)Abby Grace YES Children’s Music
Sounds Like Heaven (2023-10-06)Last Birds YES Country
Society for Disorder (2023-09-22)Keiffer & the Curiosity Club YES Folk
Bam Bam (2023-09-22)Keiffer & the Curiosity Club YES Folk
I Don’t Care if You Don’t (2023-09-22)Keiffer & the Curiosity Club YES Folk
Dark River (2023-09-22)Amelia Curran & Duane Andrews YES Folk
Anything at All (2023-09-22)Keiffer & the Curiosity Club YES Folk
Even Though They Say (2023-09-22)Keiffer & the Curiosity Club YES Folk
Paper Plane (2023-09-23)Keiffer & the Curiosity Club YES Folk
Take Me Home (2023-10-15)Briana Doyle YES Folk
Screaming Out (2023-09-22)Daggerss’s Band YES Pop
Find a Way to Love (Somebody Else) (2023-09-22)Eric Punzo Pop
Our Home (on Native Land) (2023-09-25)Silva Musica YES Pop
Heartbreak On Antidepressants (2023-09-26)DONT MAKE THIS WEIRD  Pop
Dive (2023-09-28)Lauryn Macfarlane’s Band YES Pop
Bigger (2023-09-27)Alexandra Cribb YES Pop
Watch Me Fall (Lee Rosevere Remix) (2023-09-28)Kristen Martell YES Pop
Temper (2023-09-27)Theo Vandenhoff YES Punk
Rain on Me (2023-09-15)Shannon Chapman YES R&B
easysheperd – ROSALÍA (CLEAN) (2023-09-15)easysheperd YES Rap
easysheperd – ROSALÍA (EXPLICIT)easysheperd YES Rap
Politics (2023-09-29)pHoenix Pagliacci YES Rap
Big Sky (2023-09-26)A Sea of Gold and Burgundy YES Rock
Waves of Love 3.0 (2023-09-24)Al Jardine co-founder of The Beach Boys YES Rock
Differently (2023-09-26)The Craytes YES Rock
Not Me (2023-09-08)The Banquets  YES Rock
Dumb Ideas (2023-10-31)FAINTS YES Rock
Canadian Burger (2023-09-24)Rooky YES World 


Show Name + Programmer Genre
Back Porch Bluegrass Show (2022-08-04)Paul Trenwith  Bluegrass (Radio Show)
Balmoral BluesDavid Blaine  Blues (Radio Show)
On the Marquee (2023-05-07)Julie Simmons  Concert (Radio Show)
JAM Live!Dieter Gade  Concert (Radio Show)
Routes & Branches & Beyond (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
NewFound Records (2022-07-07)Wayne Tucker  Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
Folk Roots Radio (2023-09-14)Jan Hall Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
The Charts (2022-06-30)Dinah Jansen  Popular Music (Radio Show)
Retrospect 60s Garage Punk Show (2022-07-11)Phil Grey Punk (Radio Show)
Fit to Eat: the NL Farm and Food Show (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Society and Culture (Radio Show)
Interview with flautist Lara Deutsch and guitarist Adam Cicchillitti about their new Album, Wanderlust (2023-09-26)Catherine Fisher Spoken Word (Radio Show)
WINGS (2022-08-30)WINGS Team  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Sips, Suds, & SmokesOne Tan Hand Productions  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Handi-Link (2022-07-01)Cam Wells Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Viewpoints (2022-06-01)Community Radio Fund Of Canada – Viewpoints News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
CanQueer (2022-12-16)Luke Smith News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
Hola Canada – (2023-05-02)Rosa Ortega Tyrel  International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
The Freedom PrincipleTom Fleming  International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Revolution Rock (2022-07-04)Dave Konstantino  Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)
Modern Jazz Today (2023-05-01)Jeff Williams  Jazz (Radio Show)
JAZZ BOULEVARD RADIO SHOW (2022-07-22)JAZZ BOULEVARD / Moz Taylor Jazz (Radio Show)
Girlie So Groovie (2022-07-11)Trevor Klundert  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Deep Threes (2022-09-21)John “Jay” Burgund  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Cheeze Pleeze (2022-07-13)Snarfdude and Daffodil  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Backbeat (2022-06-12)Lorne VanSinclair  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Julian Taylor’s Jukebox (2022-08-15)Julian Taylor  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
The Sentinel’s Marvellous Kaleidoscope (2023-01-23)Nicholas Cooper  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)

!earshot Distro Music Digest (282 New Tracks)

Hello everyone!

Here are all the new uploads from September 15th to 21st!

Highlights of the Week:

Album:  Single:  Show
Mesearch (2023-09-08)YA NOMAPL Compliant

> Electronic


Down By Love (2023-09-19)Mad OnesMAPL Compliant

> Rock

Hola Canada – (2023-05-02)Rosa Ortega Tyrel >International & Third-Language (Radio Show)


Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre # in Release
Everything Fades (2023-09-20)Wishbook YES Alternative (9)
Sashiko (2023-09-18)Small Opera YES Alternative (6) 
Everything Fades (2023-09-20)Wishbook YES Alternative (9) 
21st Century Ballads (2023-09-19)Digital Hobo YES Alternative (12) 
Errington House (2023-09-18)John V Chisholm  YES Alternative (7)
Hard Times and Dangerous Women (2021-06-10)Sam Wentzell YES Blues (5) 
Screen Door (2023-10-06)Applied Silence YES Experimental (10)
A Billion Rooms (2023-11-17)Low Country Hill YES Folk (10) 
Twin Flame (2023-09-15)Goldschatz YES Folk (5)
Mementos (2023-09-15)Alexis Normand YES Folk (14) 
Crow Amongst the Sparrows (2023-09-22)Ryan Wayne YES Folk (8)
Fire! Under The Light Of The Moon. (2023-09-18)MSTRBSTRD YES Pop (14)
Chasing Shadows (2023-09-07)Lyssa and the Try-Tones  YES R&B (4)
Fins Up! (2023-09-15)Atomicos YES Rock (11) 
2038 (2023-09-15)Gros Soleil YES Rock (10)
Power of Compassion (2023-09-19)Digital Hobo YES Reggae (6)
I’m Alive (2023-09-20)Gisto YES Reggae (11) 
Our Roots Run Deep (2023-09-22)Dominique Fils-Aimé YES Jazz (14)
The Senator: A Tribute To Tommy Banks (2023-09-15)Hutchinson Andrew Trio YES Jazz (7) 


You can follow us on:






Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre
Got a job (2023-09-29)no big d  YES Alternative
Corrections (2023-09-15)Death Tennis YES Alternative
Shine the Light Inside (ft. Jairus Shariff) (2023-09-17)Astral Swans YES Alternative
Corrections (2023-09-15)Death Tennis YES Alternative
Grass (2023-09-29)LENOIRE YES Alternative
ClaritySarah Watson YES Classical Century
Night Sky (2021-03-19)Sarah Watson YES Classical Century
Halifax (2023-09-29)Andrea England YES Country
Annul (2023-09-15)apaull YES Electronic
Dancing On My Own (2023-09-22)Tyson Ray Borsboom  YES Folk
Wishbone (2023-08-28)Larysa Musick YES Folk
Dancing On My Own (2023-09-22)Tyson Ray Borsboom YES Folk
They’re Sending a Crew to the Moon (2023-09-22)Jay Linden YES Folk
Quicksand (2023-09-15)Cedar Roots YES Folk
The Heart Wants (2023-09-21)Norma MacDonald YES Folk
Made up Mind (Acoustic) (2023-09-15)The Bros. Landreth YES Folk
Dashboard Blues (2023-09-22)Vikki Gilmore YES Folk
Perfume (2023-09-19)LeafGreen YES Pop
AI (2023-09-18)Silva Musica Pop
Shadow (2023-09-15)Madame Madame YES Pop
Picking Petals (2023-09-15)Rebecca Sichon YES Pop
Montage (2023-09-15)Dempsey Bolton YES Pop
I Really Like Your Style (2023-10-06)Combine the Victorious YES Pop
Cabaret (2023-09-20)Peach Panic YES Pop
Lose Myself AgainArgel MDR YES Pop
Misery (2023-09-17)The 12/21 YES Punk
Soul Promise (2023-09-21)Geordie Gordon YES R&B
Dreams (2023-09-23)Ella Forrest YES R&B
DOPE (2023-09-22)Acruzinnn YES Rap
100Dushine YES Rap
’98 Mike (feat. Seko) [Explicit] (2023-09-15)Freddy Printz YES Rap
Queenz (2023-05-26)Freddy Printz YES Rap
Hard to Please (2023-09-27)Chris Corey YES Rock
Cut To Pieces (2023-09-19)The Matinee YES Rock
around u (2023-10-26)girl with dream YES Rock
Where My Girls At (2023-09-15)NOBRO YES Rock
MAD GOD (2023-09-15)Somebody’s Curses YES Rock
Shut Up and Drive (2023-10-13)The Escape Society YES Rock
Trauma (2023-08-25)Quétiapine YES Rock
The World Is Troubled (2023-09-22)Jay Douglas Feat. Tasha T  YES Reggae 
Down Low (2023-09-18)Lando Hooks YES Reggae 


Show Name + Programmer Genre
Songwriters From Here And AwayRobert Campbell  Acoustic (Radio Show)
Back Porch Bluegrass Show (2022-08-04)Paul Trenwith  Bluegrass (Radio Show)
Balmoral BluesDavid Blaine  Blues (Radio Show)
On the Marquee (2023-05-07)Julie Simmons  Concert (Radio Show)
JAM Live!Dieter Gade  Concert (Radio Show)
Routes & Branches & Beyond (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
NewFound Records (2022-07-07)Wayne Tucker  Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
!earshot20 (2022-08-12)Stephen Munga  Popular Music (Radio Show)
The Charts (2022-06-30)Dinah Jansen  Popular Music (Radio Show)
Retrospect 60s Garage Punk Show (2022-07-11)Phil Grey Punk (Radio Show)
Fit to Eat: the NL Farm and Food Show (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Society and Culture (Radio Show)
WINGS (2022-08-30)WINGS Team  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Sips, Suds, & SmokesOne Tan Hand Productions  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Handi-Link (2022-07-01)Cam Wells Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Viewpoints (2022-06-01)Community Radio Fund Of Canada – Viewpoints News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
World Beat Canada Radio (2022-09-08)Cal Koat  International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Celt In A Twist (2022-09-08)Patricia Fraser  International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
The Freedom PrincipleTom Fleming  International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Revolution Rock (2022-07-04)Dave Konstantino  Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)
Modern Jazz Today (2023-05-01)Jeff Williams  Jazz (Radio Show)
JAZZ BOULEVARD RADIO SHOW (2022-07-22)JAZZ BOULEVARD / Moz Taylor Jazz (Radio Show)
Girlie So Groovie (2022-07-11)Trevor Klundert  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Deep Threes (2022-09-21)John “Jay” Burgund  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Cheeze Pleeze (2022-07-13)Snarfdude and Daffodil  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Backbeat (2022-06-12)Lorne VanSinclair  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Julian Taylor’s Jukebox (2022-08-15)Julian Taylor  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
!Earshot Daily (2022-08-12)!Earshot Daily (AJ Walsh)  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
The Sentinel’s Marvellous Kaleidoscope (2023-01-23)Nicholas Cooper  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)

!earshot Distro Music Digest (238 New Tracks)


Hello everyone!

Here are all the new uploads from September 7th to the 14th!

Highlights of the Week:

Album:  Single:  Show
Cancon Classics (2023-01-15)

Gran Fenwick

MAPL Compliant

> Alternative


Tristan (2023-09-13)

Virgo Rising

MAPL Compliant

> Rock

Songs from A Quiet Place (2023-07-19)

Michael Thurnell

> Acoustic (Radio Show)



Title (Date of Upload)

+ Artist

MAPL Compliant Genre # in Release
Poverty and Pop Culture (2023-09-16)

Vanden Dool

YES Alternative (10)
Dust EP (2023-10-09)

Sheep Dream

YES Alternative (3)
Vines of Time (2023-09-08)

Dillon Currie

YES Alternative (10)


YES Alternative (12)
Hey Kid (You Got Soul!) / Today, Tonight and Tomorrow (2023-09-08)

Lowest of the Low

YES Alternative (2)
Make My Day

Weather Advisory

YES Blues (10) 
When The Sun Goes Away (2023-09-08)

Rose-Erin Stokes

YES Folk (11)
Hemispheres (2023-09-29)

Inn Echo

YES Folk (11)
Hemispheres (2023-09-29)

Inn Echo

YES Folk (11)
I Sail To Thee (2023-09-10)

Lawrence Curry

YES Folk (9)
Marigold (2023-09-14)


YES Pop (4) 
LOOM (2023-09-30)

Little Jungles

YES Pop (8)
Black Rook – Self Titled (2023-09-14)

Black Rook

YES Rap (20) 
One Way Ticket (2023-09-14)


YES Rap (14)
Found the Setting Sun (2018-05-25)

Long Branch

YES Rock (10)
What It Takes (2023-09-08)

Bend Sinister

YES Rock (2) 
Lucky Me / Just in Case (7″ record) (2016-02-14)

Long Branch

YES Rock (2)
You’re Alike, You Two (2023-07-21)

Caity Gyorgy

YES Jazz (10) 


You can follow us on:






Title (Date of Upload)

+ Artist

MAPL Compliant Genre
holocene (2023-09-13)

Harper K. Smith

YES Alternative
Inbetweening (2023-08-31)

The Lightning Struck

YES Alternative
Saturn (2023-09-08)

Jonathan Evans

YES Alternative

Harper K. Smith

YES Alternative
Second To Talk (2023-09-14)

Logan Edward MacKay 

YES Alternative
Soldiers of The Universe (2023-09-08)

David Deacon

YES Blues
Mercy and Me (2023-09-07)

Samantha Ava

YES Country
Find Our Way (2023-09-14)

The Pairs

YES Folk
The End (2023-09-13)

Jordan Hart

YES Folk
Mona’s Song (2023-09-08)

Melyssa Lee

YES Folk
After Dark (2023-09-15)

Last Birds

YES Folk
Spin The Wheel (2023-09-11)

Silva Musica 

Be Your Rock (2023-09-29)


Pieces of You (2023-10-20)

Vikki Minor

Strike Gold (2023-09-08)

Celeste Aria

Come Close (2023-09-08)

Kayla Williams

People (2023-09-08)


Don’t Need A Reason (2023-09-10)

Glen Foster Group

YES Rock
Laws of the Universe (2023-10-03)

Twin Rains

YES Rock
Battle of the Punks and Pushers (2023-09-19)

Eugene Ripper

YES Rock
Gates of Hell (2023-09-21)

Kue Varo

YES Rock
Low (2023-09-13)

Certified Bad Boys

YES World



Show Name + Programmer Genre
Songwriters From Here And Away

Robert Campbell 

Acoustic (Radio Show)
Back Porch Bluegrass Show (2022-08-04)

Paul Trenwith 

Bluegrass (Radio Show)
Balmoral Blues

David Blaine 

Blues (Radio Show)
On the Marquee (2023-05-07)

Julie Simmons 

Concert (Radio Show)
JAM Live!

Dieter Gade 

Concert (Radio Show)
Routes & Branches & Beyond (2022-07-18)

Ivan Emke

Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
Folk Roots Radio

Jan Hall 

Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
NewFound Records (2022-07-07)

Wayne Tucker 

Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
The Charts (2022-06-30)

Dinah Jansen 

Popular Music (Radio Show)
rabble radio (2022-10-18)

rabble radio 

Politics (Radio Show)
Latin Waves (2022-08-03)

Sylvia Richardson

Politics (Radio Show)
Retrospect 60s Garage Punk Show (2022-07-11)

Phil Grey

Punk (Radio Show)
Fit to Eat: the NL Farm and Food Show (2022-07-18)

Ivan Emke

Society and Culture (Radio Show)
The Conversation Lab (2023-09-06)

Don Shafer 

Society and Culture (Radio Show)
WINGS (2022-08-30)


Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Sips, Suds, & Smokes

One Tan Hand Productions 

Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Handi-Link (2022-07-01)

Cam Wells

Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Viewpoints (2022-06-01)

Community Radio Fund Of Canada – Viewpoints

News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
CanQueer (2022-12-16)

Luke Smith

News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
World Beat Canada Radio (2022-09-08)

Cal Koat 

International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Celt In A Twist (2022-09-08)

Patricia Fraser 

International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
The Freedom Principle

Tom Fleming 

International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Hola Canada – (2023-05-02)

Rosa Ortega Tyrel 

International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Revolution Rock (2022-07-04)

Dave Konstantino 

Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)
Modern Jazz Today (2023-05-01)

Jeff Williams 

Jazz (Radio Show)


Jazz (Radio Show)
Girlie So Groovie (2022-07-11)

Trevor Klundert 

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Deep Threes (2022-09-21)

John “Jay” Burgund 

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Cheeze Pleeze (2022-07-13)

Snarfdude and Daffodil 

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Julian Taylor’s Jukebox (2022-08-15)

Julian Taylor 

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
The Sentinel’s Marvellous Kaleidoscope (2023-01-23)

Nicholas Cooper 

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)


!earshot Distro Music Digest (263 New Tracks)

Hello everyone!

Lots of new stuff to check out! Here are all the new uploads from September 1st to the 7th! 

Highlights of the Week:

Album:  Single:  Show
Wanderlust (2023-08-25)

Lara Deutsch & Adam Cicchillitti

MAPL Compliant

> Classical Century


Happy To Be Here (2023-09-08)


MAPL Compliant


The Conversation Lab (2023-09-06)

Don Shafer

> Society and Culture (Radio Show)


Title (Date of Upload)

+ Artist

MAPL Compliant Genre # in Release
My Angels (2023-09-06)

Steph Wall

YES Alternative (8)
The Carbon Age (2023-09-01)

Andrew Glencross

YES Alternative (6)
Chameleon (2023-09-08)

James Blonde

YES Alternative (10)
I Am Not Myself (2023-09-08)

Hotel Mira

YES Alternative (12)
3 (2023-11-03)

Off World

YES Electronic (5) 
Fourth Album (2023-10-20)

Markus Floats

YES Electronic (12)
Wants (2023-09-02)


YES Electronic (4)
Kyla Marlena (2023-09-01)

Kyla Marlena

YES Folk (3)
Sun (2023-09-04)

Lara Eidi

YES Folk (8)
A Swimming Situation (2023-09-29)

Aline Deanna

Folk (5) 
The Breath Between (2023-09-15)

David Francey

YES Folk (13)
Valleys (2023-09-01)

Sarah Segal-Lazar

YES Folk (10)
Hardly Novices (2023-08-25)

Max Prime & Jon Brando

YES Rap (20)
Devil All The Time (2023-09-06)

Tombstone Whiskey

Love Had A Chance (2023-09-02)

The Ormidales

The Longest Story Ever Told (2023-09-08)

The Kings

YES Rock (10)
Imploders (2023-09-05)


YES Punk (16) 


You can follow us on:






Title (Date of Upload)

+ Artist

MAPL Compliant Genre


YES Alternative
A Very Good Dancer (2023-09-01)

The Craytes

YES Alternative
Something // Way (read as Something in the Way) (2023-08-31)


YES Alternative
I Live Here Now (2023-09-07)


YES Alternative
Aptitude (2023-09-22)


YES Alternative
Say When (2023-09-08)

The Sarandons

YES Alternative
Holy Water (2023-09-15)


YES Alternative
I’ll Find You in the Chaos (2023-09-01)

Pat Clifton

YES Alternative
You Used To Mean So Much To Me (2023-09-01)

David Gogo

YES Blues
RIver Queen (2023-09-13)

Booker Diduck and his Cribbage Club

YES Country
The Marijuana Song (2023-08-11)

Eddie Coffey

YES Country
Pain Free Living (I Like To Get High) (2023-09-18)

Ken Tizzard and Music For Goats

YES Country
magic rainbow ripple (2023-09-05)

Brian Paul D.G. and Friends!

YES Folk
Spinning Wheel

Geordie Gordon

YES Folk
I Don’t Know the End

Matthieu Hughes

YES Folk
Ticket (Clean Version) (2023-09-29)

Rebekah Hawker

YES Folk
Lead Balloon

Troy Kokol

YES Folk
What If I Don’t (2023-09-08)

Callie McCullough

YES Folk
I Don’t Know the End

Matthieu Hughes

YES Folk
Ford Econoline (2023-10-03)

His His

YES Folk
Phosphorus (2023-09-04)

Ashes and Dreams

YES Electronic
Need to Know (2023-09-04)

Silva Musica

Honey (2023-09-01)

Elias Cooper

Pretty Sleeper (2023-09-01)

Celeste Aria

WannaBe (2023-09-29)


YES Punk
Fly Away Love (2023-02-14)


No Compromise (2023-08-29)


Fly Away Love (2023-02-14)


Una Minutes (2023-09-14)


YES Rock
Country Man (2023-09-04)

Vintage Lapointe

YES Rock
Light it up (2023-09-07)

Marty Zylstra 

YES Rock


Show Name + Programmer Genre
Songwriters From Here And Away

Robert Campbell 

Acoustic (Radio Show)
Back Porch Bluegrass Show (2022-08-04)

Paul Trenwith 

Bluegrass (Radio Show)
Balmoral Blues

David Blaine 

Blues (Radio Show)
On the Marquee (2023-05-07)

Julie Simmons 

Concert (Radio Show)
JAM Live!

Dieter Gade 

Concert (Radio Show)
Routes & Branches & Beyond (2022-07-18)

Ivan Emke

Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
Folk Roots Radio

Jan Hall 

Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
NewFound Records (2022-07-07)

Wayne Tucker 

Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
The Charts (2022-06-30)

Dinah Jansen 

Popular Music (Radio Show)
!earshot20 (2022-08-12)

Stephen Munga 

Popular Music (Radio Show)
rabble radio (2022-10-18)

rabble radio 

Politics (Radio Show)
Latin Waves (2022-08-03)

Sylvia Richardson

Politics (Radio Show)
Retrospect 60s Garage Punk Show (2022-07-11)

Phil Grey

Punk (Radio Show)
Fit to Eat: the NL Farm and Food Show (2022-07-18)

Ivan Emke

Society and Culture (Radio Show)
WINGS (2022-08-30)


Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Sips, Suds, & Smokes

One Tan Hand Productions 

Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Handi-Link (2022-07-01)

Cam Wells

Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Viewpoints (2022-06-01)

Community Radio Fund Of Canada – Viewpoints

News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
World Beat Canada Radio (2022-09-08)

Cal Koat 

International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Celt In A Twist (2022-09-08)

Patricia Fraser 

International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
The Freedom Principle

Tom Fleming 

International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Hola Canada – (2023-05-02)

Rosa Ortega Tyrel 

International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Home of Burnaby Rock (2023-06-01)

Jon Thibault

Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)
Revolution Rock (2022-07-04)

Dave Konstantino 

Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)
Modern Jazz Today (2023-05-01)

Jeff Williams 

Jazz (Radio Show)
!Earshot Daily (2022-08-12)

!Earshot Daily (AJ Walsh) 

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Girlie So Groovie (2022-07-11)

Trevor Klundert 

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Deep Threes (2022-09-21)

John “Jay” Burgund 

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Cheeze Pleeze (2022-07-13)

Snarfdude and Daffodil 

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Julian Taylor’s Jukebox (2022-08-15)

Julian Taylor 

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Backbeat (2022-06-12)

Lorne VanSinclair 

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)