!earshot Distro Music Digest (128)

Hello everyone!

Here are all the new uploads from the week of January 19th to the 25th! 

Highlights of the Week:

Album:  Single:  Show:
Renzita – My Sick Addiction (2024-03-01)


MAPL Compliant

> Rock


Happy Birthday (To Me) (2024-01-19)

Falling Satellites

MAPL Compliant

> Rock

Songs From A Quiet Place (2024-01-23)

Michael Thurnell

> Easy Listening (Radio Show)



Title (Date of Upload)

+ Artist

MAPL Compliant Genre # in Release
Part (2024-01-22)


YES Alternative (9)
The Chucks – EP (2024-01-22)

The Chucks 

Country (2) 
Collaborations (2024-03-01)

Cookie Delicious

YES Electronic (7)
Frantic Ram


YES Electronic (9)
Working Hours (2024-01-19)

Ness Nöst

YES Folk (5) 
Happy Medium (2024-01-19)

John Baron

YES Experimental (11)
fawn response


YES Electronic (6)
Songs For An Empty Room (2024-01-23)


YES Folk (7)
Toonie (2024-02-19)

Chris Cadaret 

YES Folk (2)
Turpentine (2022-09-23)

Kaeley Jade

YES Pop (8)
Id’s My Party (2024-01-19)


YES Rock (2) 
Shirts Versus (2024-01-21)


YES Rock (4)
Incessant Violent Thoughts

Thousand Knives’s Band

YES Metal (12)



You can follow us on:







Title (Date of Upload)

+ Artist

MAPL Compliant Genre
The Tower (2024-02-09)

Waveform Mountain

YES Alternative
Time To Be Here (2024-01-21)

The Done Durty

YES Alternative
Time To Be A Bitch (2024-01-19)

Cara Bateman

YES Alternative
Mourir Demain (2024-01-23)


YES Alternative
Tommy T (2024-01-19)


YES Alternative
Dog Day (2024-01-19)

Hannah Harlacher 

YES Alternative
Our Home (2024-01-23)

Richard Mousseau

YES Country
Table For One (2024-01-25)

Guy Paul Thibault

YES Country
Another Lucid Dream (2024-01-19)

MC Maguire 

YES Electronic
Yummy World (2024-01-19)

MC Maguire

Blue Tape (2024-01-19)


YES Electronic
I Don’t Like Trains (2024-01-17)

John Gogo 

YES Folk
Downtown (Live) (2024-01-19)

Andrew Rodgers

YES Folk
Winter Son (2024-01-19)

Dover Lynn Fox

YES Folk
Wayward Woman (2024-02-16)


YES Folk
Closer (2024-01-26)


YES Folk
Witches (2024-01-19)

Eric Stephen Martin

YES Folk
one way or another (2024-01-19)

remember whales

Weathervane (2024-01-19)

Clara Cloud

Three Little Birds (Radio Mix) (2024-01-23)

Moonlyn’s Band

Bipolar Girl (2024-01-25)

Foreman And Co.

YES Rock
South Grand Canyon State (2024-01-25)

Foreman And Co.

YES Rock
Just Give Me a Call (2024-01-25)

Upwood Avenue

YES Rock
Front Porch (2024-01-25)

Foreman And Co.

YES Rock
Dirty Kind of Love (2024-01-25)

Foreman And Co.

YES Rock
Pass the Mustard (2024-01-24)

Slim Pickerel

YES Rock
Keep it to Yourself (2024-01-18)


YES Rock
OKAY (2024-01-18)


YES Rock
Something (2024-01-25)

no big d

YES Rock
Dame Espacio (2024-02-02)


YES World


Show Name + Programmer Genre
Back Porch Bluegrass Show (2022-08-04)

Paul Trenwith 

Bluegrass (Radio Show)
Balmoral Blues

David Blaine 

Blues (Radio Show)
On the Marquee (2023-05-07)

Julie Simmons 

Concert (Radio Show)
Classical Muse (2023-11-01)

David Cavlovic 

Concert (Radio Show)
NewFound Records (2022-07-07)

Wayne Tucker

Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
Routes & Branches & Beyond (2022-07-18)

Ivan Emke

Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
Coasting (2023-11-04)

Chad Mantz

Popular Music (Radio Show)
rabble radio (2022-10-18)

rabble radio

Politics (Radio Show)
The Charts (2022-06-30)

Dinah Jansen

Popular Music (Radio Show)
Retrospect 60s Garage Punk Show (2022-07-11)

Phil Grey

Punk (Radio Show)
Fit to Eat: the NL Farm and Food Show (2022-07-18)

Ivan Emke

Society and Culture (Radio Show)
WINGS (2022-08-30)


Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Handi-Link (2022-07-01)

Cam Wells 

Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Sips, Suds, & Smokes

One Tan Hand Productions 

Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Viewpoints (2023-11-16)

Community Radio Fund Of Canada – Viewpoints

News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
CanQueer (2022-12-16)

Luke Smith 

News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
Hola Canada – (2023-05-02)

Rosa Ortega Tyrel 

International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
The Freedom Principle

Tom Fleming 

International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Revolution Rock (2022-07-04)

Dave Konstantino 

Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)
Vinyl Catacombs (2024-01-24)

Michael Thurnell 

Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)
Modern Jazz Today (2023-05-01)

Jeff Williams 

Jazz (Radio Show)
Julian Taylor’s Jukebox (2022-08-15)

Julian Taylor 

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
The Sentinel’s Marvellous Kaleidoscope (2023-01-23)

Nicholas Cooper

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Backbeat (2022-06-12)

Lorne VanSinclair

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
!Earshot Daily (2022-08-12)

!Earshot Daily (AJ Walsh)

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Girlie So Groovie (2022-07-11)

Trevor Klundert 

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Deep Threes (2022-09-21)

John “Jay” Burgund 

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Cheeze Pleeze (2022-07-13)

Snarfdude and Daffodil 

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)


!earshot Distro Music Digest (150)


Here are all the new uploads from the week of January 12th to the 18th!

Highlights of the Week:

Album:  Single:  Show:
Here With YouCaleb Duane Ballard

MAPL Compliant

> Folk


DUMB HOPE (2024-06-21)Von Bieker

MAPL Compliant

> Folk

Balmoral BluesDavid Blaine 

> Blues (Radio Show)


Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre # in Release
Paulina Morgan MusicPaulina Morgan YES Alternative (17)
Daily Acceptance For Evenings Of Disarray (2024-02-16)Parkland Music Project YES Alternative (5) 
T.A. Vern’s (2024-02-02)Mark Dillon YES Blues (11)
Fire-Flowers (2024-01-12)Luminous Voices YES Classical Century (9)
Inner Nature (2024-04-01)George Crotty YES Classical Century (3)
Matador (2024-01-29)Lori Yates YES Country (7) 
Tropical Drone (2024-01-26)Jackson Ramsey YES Electronic (11)
Between Seasons (2024-01-30)Osmanthus YES Experimental (6) 
The Right Out Of Tune (2024-01-15)Tim Nash YES Pop (9) 
Act I (2024-01-19)Lana Winterhalt YES Pop (4)
You Deserve Better (2024-01-12)Man Meat YES Punk (6) 
Breathe (2024-01-15)Jef Kearns YES R&B (2)
With Wine, Vol. 2 (2024-01-19)Renée Marquis YES Jazz (11)


You can follow us on:






Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre
Afraid To Lose (2024-01-12)Clay Orange YES Alternative
Blue Parachutes (2024-01-23)Clever Hopes YES Alternative
Welcome To The Metaverse (2024-01-31)Jared Adams YES Alternative
Sensitivity is a Virtue (2024-01-17)Hannah Harlacher YES Alternative
The Trickster (2024-01-30)Francis Baptiste YES Alternative
Try To Hold On (2024-01-12)5omerset YES Alternative
Redneck Goddess (2024-01-12)Abby Grace YES Country
Order and Decay (2022-01-06)ackzz YES Electronic
EYES ON ME (2024-01-14)Guru LeGroove YES Electronic
Revenant Of Time (2024-01-14)Zarnoosh YES Electronic
Are All Jazz Players Idealistic Nihilists? (2024-01-25)MoonBell YES Folk
Sunflowers for Ukraine (2024-01-30)Dougal YES Folk
Maple & Pine (2024-01-12)Matthew Martin Songs YES Folk
Ghost in my attic (2023-12-24)Ted Kim YES Folk
Devil Talking (2024-05-24)David Myles YES Folk
Living In Love (2024-02-09)Jess Rae YES Folk
Star Serpents (2024-01-14)Zarnoosh YES Pop
Little Monster (2024-01-31)nasmore YES Pop
Three Little Birds (2024-01-16)Moonlyn’s Band YES Pop
Hibernate (2024-01-13)Atlin Morgan YES Pop
jealous (2024-01-12)pax. & Mikayla Lane YES Pop
Eyes That Knew Too Much (2024-01-19)nasmore YES Pop
Modern Religion (2024-01-19)Conscious Pilot  Punk
Fool For You (2024-02-22)Mariannie Ompoc YES R&B
Love Song (Radio Edit) (2024-01-12)Chad Price YES R&B
Proud of me (2024-01-15)Ashton Forever YES Rap
I AM THE DRAGON (2024-01-15)The Lookout Service YES Rock
Blue Collar Blues (2024-01-08)Ashley Adams YES Rock
Cigarettes & Whiskey (2024-01-17)Yung Dead One YES Rock
Mercy (2024-02-17)Taylor Curtis YES Rock
The Way She Moves (2024-01-14)Nina Hain YES Rock
Am I Demon (2024-01-15)abel collective YES Rock
All Goes Black (2024-01-17)Tucana YES Rock


Show Name + Programmer Genre
Back Porch Bluegrass Show (2022-08-04)Paul Trenwith  Bluegrass (Radio Show)
On the Marquee (2023-05-07)Julie Simmons  Concert (Radio Show)
JAM Live!Dieter Gade Concert (Radio Show)
Classical Muse (2023-11-01)David Cavlovic  Concert (Radio Show)
NewFound Records (2022-07-07)Wayne Tucker Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
Routes & Branches & Beyond (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
!earshot20 (2022-08-12)Stephen Munga Popular Music (Radio Show)
The Charts (2022-06-30)Dinah Jansen Popular Music (Radio Show)
Retrospect 60s Garage Punk Show (2022-07-11)Phil Grey Punk (Radio Show)
WINGS (2022-08-30)WINGS Team  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Handi-Link (2022-07-01)Cam Wells  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Sips, Suds, & SmokesOne Tan Hand Productions  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Viewpoints (2023-11-16)Community Radio Fund Of Canada – Viewpoints News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
CanQueer (2022-12-16)Luke Smith  News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
World Beat Canada Radio (2022-09-08)Cal Koat International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Celt In A Twist (2022-09-08)Patricia Fraser International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Hola Canada – (2023-05-02)Rosa Ortega Tyrel  International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
The Freedom PrincipleTom Fleming  International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Revolution Rock (2022-07-04)Dave Konstantino  Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)
Modern Jazz Today (2023-05-01)Jeff Williams  Jazz (Radio Show)
Julian Taylor’s Jukebox (2022-08-15)Julian Taylor  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
The Sentinel’s Marvellous Kaleidoscope (2023-01-23)Nicholas Cooper Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Backbeat (2022-06-12)Lorne VanSinclair Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
!Earshot Daily (2022-08-12)!Earshot Daily (AJ Walsh) Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Girlie So Groovie (2022-07-11)Trevor Klundert  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Deep Threes (2022-09-21)John “Jay” Burgund  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Cheeze Pleeze (2022-07-13)Snarfdude and Daffodil  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)

!earshot Distro Music Digest (141)

These are the new uploads from the week of January 5th to the 11th!

Highlights of the Week:

Album:  Single:  Show:
Unplugged (2023-12-29)Dave Kilbank and Paul Bezooyen

MAPL Compliant

> Folk


Joe Millionaire (2024-01-25)Ballsy

MAPL Compliant

> Rock

Orchestral Manoevres after Dark (2024-01-10)Dinah Jansen

> Popular Music (Radio Show)


Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre # in Release
Social Skills (2024-01-19)Jon Gant YES Alternative (11)
Heritage Classic (2024-01-04)Booker Diduck and his Cribbage Club YES Country (8) 
Open Water (2024-01-09)Marc Audet YES Folk (7) 
Blood, Sweat, & Fears (2023-12-13)Elijah Lucian’s Band YES Pop (12)
Pleasure Center (2024-02-07)Benjamin Russell YES Pop (13) 
Ecdysis (2024-01-12)Choirz YES Pop (5) 
Asbestos Tiles (2024-02-02)Sundowner YES Punk (5)
Kings of Mustang (2024-01-10)The Bushpilots YES Rock (10)
Gold (2024-02-02)The Getmines YES Rock (8)


You can follow us on:






Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre
Take Me Home (2024-02-02)Animal Souls YES Alternative
Distant Shores (2024-01-05)Coastal Town YES Alternative
Kool Aid Blue (2024-01-19)The Sylvia Platters YES Alternative
Found Myself Here (Brothers are farmers) (2024-01-18)Chase Coulee YES Country
Long Gone Past Broken Hearted (2024-01-18)Chase Coulee  YES Country
Small Town Beauty Queen (2024-01-30)Jacquie Daniels YES Country
Sip These Beers and Cry (2024-01-18)Chase Coulee YES Country
Poor Man’s Grave (2024-01-18)Chase Coulee  YES Country
Courage (2024-02-02)Mitchell Makoons YES Country
Let It All Hang Out (2024-01-07)Richard Mousseau YES Country
All My Love (2024-01-10)Guru LeGroove YES Electronic
Life on Arehaz (2023-07-03)ackzz YES Electronic
The Flyby (2023-10-02)ackzz YES Electronic
Artificial Memories (2024-01-01)ackzz YES Electronic
Dancing For the Soldiers (2024-01-30)Adrian Glynn YES Folk
Migrante (2024-01-07)Natasha Roldán YES Folk
Yearning Ways (2024-01-12)Lookout Tower YES Folk
She’s Like the Swallow (Re-Imagined) (2024-01-08)Dara Schindelka YES Folk
El Perdón (2024-01-07)Natasha Roldán YES Folk
When I Close My Eyes (2024-01-12)Adrian Glynn YES Folk
Black and White 1912 (2024-01-12)Allen Dobb YES Folk
I Said You Must Be Leaving (2024-01-12)OXLIP YES Folk
Despite the Distance (2024-01-12)Hughes YES Folk
Augustine’s Rope (2023-12-22)Estha  YES Metal
Weekday Love (2024-02-09)April Rick YES Pop
Feel As Though (2024-01-12)LENOIRE YES Pop
The Timelessness of our love-EP (2024-01-06)Jeff Vidov  YES Pop
Common Guys (2024-01-05)Jane’s Party YES Pop
Holy Holy (2024-01-08)Shebear and the Hibernation YES Pop
Little less love-EP (2024-01-06)Jeff Vidov  YES Pop
Baby can u dig your man-EP (2024-01-06)Jeff Vidov  YES Pop
Too Much (2024-01-19)Waveform Mountain YES Pop
I Want Out (2023-09-08)Ditch Hag YES Punk
We Burn (2023-09-08)Ditch Hag YES Punk
be there!Eros Taylor YES R&B
KNOW YOUR WORTH (2024-01-10)Eros Taylor YES R&B
Montreal (2024-02-27)Adrian Glynn YES Rock
Lionize (2024-02-27)Adrian Glynn YES Rock
Double-Buckled Dusty Mary Janes (2024-01-05)The Whiskey Jerks YES Rock
Bad Habits (2024-01-12)The Humble Cartel  YES Rock
Tastes Like Sin (2024-01-05)Vogue Villains YES Rock
Cover Band (2024-01-09)Mattie leon YES Rock
Unfortunate Bones (2023-06-01)Electric Religious YES Rock
February Wind (2024-01-16)Electric Religious YES Rock
Déjame llorar (2024-01-07)Natasha Roldán YES Jazz
Trenzas (2024-01-07)Natasha Roldán YES Jazz
La Niña (2024-01-07)Natasha Roldán YES Latin
Revolucionaria (2024-01-07)Natasha Roldán YES Latin


Show Name + Programmer Genre
Back Porch Bluegrass Show (2022-08-04)Paul Trenwith  Bluegrass (Radio Show)
Balmoral BluesDavid Blaine  Blues (Radio Show)
On the Marquee (2023-05-07)Julie Simmons  Concert (Radio Show)
Classical Muse (2023-11-01)David Cavlovic  Concert (Radio Show)
Routes & Branches & Beyond (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
Big Thinking Podcast | Balado Voir Grand (2023-01-31)Gabriel Miller Education (Radio Show)
The Charts (2022-06-30)Dinah Jansen Popular Music (Radio Show)
WINGS (2022-08-30)WINGS Team  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Handi-Link (2022-07-01)Cam Wells  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Sips, Suds, & SmokesOne Tan Hand Productions  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Fit to Eat: the NL Farm and Food Show (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Society and Culture (Radio Show)
Viewpoints (2023-11-16)Community Radio Fund Of Canada – Viewpoints News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
CanQueer (2022-12-16)Luke Smith  News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
World Beat Canada Radio (2022-09-08)Cal Koat International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Celt In A Twist (2022-09-08)Patricia Fraser International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Hola Canada – (2023-05-02)Rosa Ortega Tyrel  International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
The Freedom PrincipleTom Fleming  International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Revolution Rock (2022-07-04)Dave Konstantino  Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)
Home of Burnaby Rock (2023-06-01)Jon Thibault  Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)
Modern Jazz Today (2023-05-01)Jeff Williams  Jazz (Radio Show)
JAZZ BOULEVARD RADIO SHOW (2022-07-22)JAZZ BOULEVARD / Moz Taylor Jazz (Radio Show)
Julian Taylor’s Jukebox (2022-08-15)Julian Taylor  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
The Sentinel’s Marvellous Kaleidoscope (2023-01-23)Nicholas Cooper Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Backbeat (2022-06-12)Lorne VanSinclair Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
!Earshot Daily (2022-08-12)!Earshot Daily (AJ Walsh) Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Girlie So Groovie (2022-07-11)Trevor Klundert  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Deep Threes (2022-09-21)John “Jay” Burgund  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Cheeze Pleeze (2022-07-13)Snarfdude and Daffodil  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)

!earshot Distro Music Digest (126)


Here are the new uploads from December 22nd to January 4th:

Highlights of the Week:

Album:  Single:  Show:
Storylines (2024-01-04)Mark Wonneck

MAPL Compliant

> Folk

> (15)

January (2023-12-29)Noah Malcolm

MAPL Compliant

> Pop

The Sentinel’s Marvellous Kaleidoscope (2023-01-23)Nicholas Cooper

>Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)


Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre # in Release
Storylines (2024-01-04)Mark Wonneck YES Folk (15)
Alone At Sea (2024-01-02)Jeff Plankenhorn YES Folk (13) 
III: Ashes (2023-12-29)Jeremy Stewart YES Rock (10)
The Frequency (2023-12-22)Dudsymil YES Reggae (5)


You can follow us on:






Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre
RED TAPE (2024-01-26)Cam Blake YES Alternative
Wild CouleeWild Coulee YES Alternative
Delta DiscoThe Tisdale YES Alternative
Never Tear Us Apart (2024-01-01)Jay Stevens & The Chosen Ones YES Blues
Heavy Mental (2023-12-31)Abby Grace YES Bluegrass
Rave Sagacity (2023-12-27)Richy Roy YES Electronic
Gonzo LivesParticular Particle YES Electronic
Old Face (2023-09-15)Particular Particle YES Electronic
Sink (2023-08-25)Particular Particle YES Experimental
Night Slasher (2023-08-25)Particular Particle YES Experimental
Newborn Day (2023-12-29)Joseph Tennant YES Folk
Four Years (2023-12-22)Tyson Ray Borsboom YES Folk
Beauty is not Decor (2024-01-05)Caroline Parke YES Folk
The Cat’s Song (2024-01-02)Cathy Checora YES Folk
Just Wanna Dance (2024-01-05)Skye Holland YES Pop
Confetti (2024-01-03)Xaotyk YES Pop
Benzos (2024-01-19)Benzo Berea YES Pop
Peyote (2024-01-09)The Backsteps YES Punk
Pooja (2024-01-24)Spitty YES Rap
Dark Sky (2024-01-04)Jordan Pariseau YES Rap
RareLion – Hope – Prod. TremoXBeatz (2023-12-22)andrew care YES Rap
My World (2024-01-09)Freddy Printz YES Rap
My Gal In Mooseonee (2023-12-22)Richard Mousseau YES Rock
Letting go (2023-12-26)no big d YES Rock
Knocking On Heavens Door Renita Nadrowski Zintel (2023-12-26)Renita Zintel YES Rock
Lonely Nights Again (2023-12-30)The Shoegaze Project YES Rock


Show Name + Programmer Genre
Back Porch Bluegrass Show (2022-08-04)Paul Trenwith  Bluegrass (Radio Show)
Balmoral BluesDavid Blaine  Blues (Radio Show)
On the Marquee (2023-05-07)Julie Simmons  Concert (Radio Show)
Classical Muse (2023-11-01)David Cavlovic  Concert (Radio Show)
Routes & Branches & Beyond (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
NewFound Records (2022-07-07)Wayne Tucker Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
The Charts (2022-06-30)Dinah Jansen Popular Music (Radio Show)
Coasting (2023-11-04)Chad Mantz Popular Music (Radio Show)
!earshot20 (2022-08-12)Stephen Munga Popular Music (Radio Show)
Retrospect 60s Garage Punk Show (2022-07-11)Phil Grey Punk (Radio Show)
Handi-Link (2022-07-01)Cam Wells  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Sips, Suds, & SmokesOne Tan Hand Productions  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Fit to Eat: the NL Farm and Food Show (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Society and Culture (Radio Show)
Viewpoints (2023-11-16)Community Radio Fund Of Canada – Viewpoints News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
CanQueer (2022-12-16)Luke Smith  News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
World Beat Canada Radio (2022-09-08)Cal Koat International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Celt In A Twist (2022-09-08)Patricia Fraser International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
The Freedom PrincipleTom Fleming  International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Revolution Rock (2022-07-04)Dave Konstantino  Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)
Modern Jazz Today (2023-05-01)Jeff Williams  Jazz (Radio Show)
Julian Taylor’s Jukebox (2022-08-15)Julian Taylor  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Backbeat (2022-06-12)Lorne VanSinclair Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Deep Threes (2022-09-21)John “Jay” Burgund  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Cheeze Pleeze (2022-07-13)Snarfdude and Daffodil  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)

!earshot Distro Music Digest (100) – Last of 2023!

Hello everyone!

‘Tis the last time for the season! Enjoy the new uploads from the week of December 15th to 21st, see you all in 2024!

Highlights of the Week:

Album:  Holiday Singles:  Show
Wave At Me (2023-12-22)

Amy van Keeken

MAPL Compliant

> Folk


This Christmas (2023-12-18)

Peter Foldy

MAPL Compliant

> Pop

Merry Scary Christmas, Baby! (2023-12-20)


MAPL Compliant

> Classical Century

Christmas from a distance (2023-12-19)

Marc Robillard

MAPL Compliant

> Pop

A Hometown Christmas (2023-12-18)

Dan Mellon

> Popular Music (Radio Show)


From CKD, this show features Christmas music of all genres, from local Independent artists to Mariah Carey, and everything in between….. Lots of listener call ins, listener Christmas memory type stories, streeters, Christmas legends and lots of segments about the stories behind some of the songs.



Title (Date of Upload)

+ Artist

MAPL Compliant Genre # in Release
Not Dead Not Alive (2024-01-12)

High Waters

YES Alternative (4) 
Positive People (2023-12-15)

Positive People

YES Alternative (12)
Wheel it Studios VOL 5: Tdot Fiesta (2023-12-19)

New Tradition Music

YES Rap (13)
Cosmic Raydeo (2023-12-16)

Dave Clark

YES Pop (10)


You can follow us on:







Title (Date of Upload)

+ Artist

MAPL Compliant Genre
Hendrix Dream (2023-12-31)

The Psychic Alliance

YES Alternative
Port Carverton (2023-12-19)

Blu Beach Band

YES Alternative
Strange Love (2023-12-15)

High Waters

YES Alternative
Autumn Leaves (2023-10-20)

Jordana Delgado 

Classical Century
Somewhere in My Memory (2023-11-24)

Jordana Delgado 

Classical Century
Ring A Ling (2023-12-15)

Diane Raeside and Frank Nicoletti

YES Country
Midnight Summer Dream (2023-12-17)

Regan Hinchcliffe

YES Folk
Have A Heart (2023-12-20)

Ali Hugo 

Toxic World (2023-12-18)

Peter Foldy

Don’t Know Why I’m So Happy (2023-12-20)

The Hermit’s Music Project

Moving Day (2023-12-19)

Blu Beach Band

Reverie (2023-12-16)

Jef Kearns

Friend-Zone (2023-12-18)

Peter Foldy

Jump Like This (2023-12-18)

Peter Foldy

The Period Song (2023-12-18)


Someone Let Met Out (2023-12-18)

Wandering Arrows


April Rick

Black Starr


Who Am I (2023-12-15)

Franklin McKay

Sydney (2023-12-19)

The Whythouse

Get Up (2023-12-24)

The New Groovement

On Hood featuring Propaganda & Shad (2023-12-18)


The Paper (2024-01-07)

The New Groovement

Fun, Fun, Fun (2023-12-18)

Peter Foldy

Another Boring Story (2023-12-17)

Jack and the Spare Hearts

YES Rock
Draw the Line (2023-12-19)

Doug McArthur

YES Rock
Hermit Phase (2023-12-19)

Doug McArthur

YES Rock
Lola (2023-12-21)

Fets Luck

YES Rock
The Middle (2023-12-15)

Blu Beach Band

YES Rock
Someone (2023-12-20)

Franklin McKay

YES Rock



Show Name + Programmer Genre
Back Porch Bluegrass Show (2022-08-04)

Paul Trenwith 

Bluegrass (Radio Show)
Balmoral Blues

David Blaine 

Blues (Radio Show)
On the Marquee (2023-05-07)

Julie Simmons 

Concert (Radio Show)
JAM Live!

Dieter Gade

Concert (Radio Show)
Classical Muse (2023-11-01)

David Cavlovic 

Concert (Radio Show)
Routes & Branches & Beyond (2022-07-18)

Ivan Emke

Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
NewFound Records (2022-07-07)

Wayne Tucker

Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
rabble radio (2022-10-18)

rabble radio

Politics (Radio Show)
Latin Waves (2022-08-03)

Sylvia Richardson 

Politics (Radio Show)
The Charts (2022-06-30)

Dinah Jansen

Popular Music (Radio Show)
!earshot20 (2022-08-12)

Stephen Munga

Popular Music (Radio Show)
Retrospect 60s Garage Punk Show (2022-07-11)

Phil Grey

Punk (Radio Show)
Handi-Link (2022-07-01)

Cam Wells 

Spoken Word (Radio Show)
WINGS (2022-08-30)


Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Sips, Suds, & Smokes

One Tan Hand Productions 

Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Fit to Eat: the NL Farm and Food Show (2022-07-18)

Ivan Emke

Society and Culture (Radio Show)
The Conversation Lab (2023-09-06)

Don Shafer 

Society and Culture (Radio Show)
CanQueer (2022-12-16)

Luke Smith 

News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
World Beat Canada Radio (2022-09-08)

Cal Koat

International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Celt In A Twist (2022-09-08)

Patricia Fraser

International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Hola Canada – (2023-05-02)

Rosa Ortega Tyrel 

International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
The Freedom Principle

Tom Fleming 

International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Home of Burnaby Rock (2023-06-01)

Jon Thibault 

Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)
Revolution Rock (2022-07-04)

Dave Konstantino 

Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)
Modern Jazz Today (2023-05-01)

Jeff Williams 

Jazz (Radio Show)
!Earshot Daily (2022-08-12)

!Earshot Daily (AJ Walsh)

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Julian Taylor’s Jukebox (2022-08-15)

Julian Taylor 

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
The Sentinel’s Marvellous Kaleidoscope (2023-01-23)

Nicholas Cooper

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Girlie So Groovie (2022-07-11)

Trevor Klundert 

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Deep Threes (2022-09-21)

John “Jay” Burgund 

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Cheeze Pleeze (2022-07-13)

Snarfdude and Daffodil 

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)


!earshot Distro Music Digest (170)

Hello everyone!

‘Tis the season still! Enjoy the new uploads from the week of December 8th to 14th:

Highlights of the Week:

Album:  Holiday Singles:  Show
Mercury (2023-06-22)


> Pop

(5) Download Release

Merry Times in the Maritimes (2023-12-15)

Patrick Thompson

MAPL Compliant

> Pop

Bad Bitch Xmas (2023-11-28)


MAPL Compliant

> Rap

December in the North (2023-12-15)


MAPL Compliant

> Folk

The Night Shift (2023-12-14)

Luca Capone 

> Experimental Music (Radio Show)



Title (Date of Upload)

+ Artist

MAPL Compliant Genre # in Release
Happy Memories (2024-01-26)

James Wyatt Crosby

YES Alternative (8) 
Arrest Your Ascent (2023-12-15)

Elephant Seal

YES Alternative (10)
Live Now (2023-12-01)

Ryan McMahon

YES Country (10)
I’m Not Concerned With Your Killer Robot Arms (2023-12-08)

Humanoid No More

YES Electronic (5)
Fought and Won (2023-12-08)


YES Electronic (8)
French Class (2019-10-03)

French Class

YES Electronic (7)
A Winter Collection (2023-11-23)

The McDades

YES Folk (13)
Wonderlust (2023-12-13)

John Hewitt

YES Folk (8) 
blue Collar Instrumentals (2023-12-13)

Arlo Maverick

YES Rap (11) 
Blue Collar (2023-10-20)

Arlo Maverick

YES Rap (11)
Lil Ole EP (2023-12-08)

More Or Les

YES Rap (8)
The Monster (2023-12-08)

Jeff Gay

YES Rock (11)
Less Than One More Than Zero (2023-12-08)


Rock (11)
Creature of Habit (2023-12-11)

The Compassion Pills

YES Rock (10) 
I Saw Me (2023-12-08)


YES Pop (4) 
Small Pleasures (2023-12-11)

Small Pleasures 

Punk (5)



You can follow us on:







Title (Date of Upload)

+ Artist

MAPL Compliant Genre
Castle of Piss – The First Take (2023-12-21)

King Kaigee

YES Alternative
Addiction (2023-12-18)

Kenny Jeon

YES Alternative
Edmonton Transit Blues (2023-12-13)

Paula Eve Kirman

YES Blues
Port Alberni Bound (2023-12-22)

Cluny Macpherson 

YES Country
Tomorrow (2023-12-08)

Diane Raeside and Frank Nicoletti

YES Country
Dorian (Capsule Sessions) (2023-12-13)


YES Electronic
Bounce That (2023-12-14)


YES Electronic
Apocalyptic Tendencies (2023-11-27)

Amos Waits

You Are My Diva


Music Can Change the World (2023-12-15)

Margaret Maria and Tréson

NO FATE (2023-12-08)


YES Punk
DO YOU FEEL IN CHARGE? (2023-12-08)


YES Punk
CRAWL (2023-12-12)

Heart Attack Kids

YES Punk
MALA (2023-11-24)

Flavia Abadía

YES Latin
YNQF (2023-12-22)

Flavia Abadía

YES Latin
Beyond The Stars (2023-12-12)

The Shoegaze Project

YES Rock
Glory Ragged (2023-12-05)


YES Rock

Natasha Florence

YES Jazz

Bryon Tosoff

YES Jazz
Home (feat. Daniel Sinclair)

Atlin Morgan

YES Jazz
Nectar (2023-12-08)


YES World



Show Name + Programmer Genre
Back Porch Bluegrass Show (2022-08-04)

Paul Trenwith 

Bluegrass (Radio Show)
Balmoral Blues

David Blaine 

Blues (Radio Show)
On the Marquee (2023-05-07)

Julie Simmons 

Concert (Radio Show)
Classical Muse (2023-11-01)

David Cavlovic 

Concert (Radio Show)
Routes & Branches & Beyond (2022-07-18)

Ivan Emke

Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
NewFound Records (2022-07-07)

Wayne Tucker

Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
The Charts (2022-06-30)

Dinah Jansen

Popular Music (Radio Show)
Coasting (2023-11-04)

Chad Mantz

Popular Music (Radio Show)
!earshot20 (2022-08-12)

Stephen Munga

Popular Music (Radio Show)
Retrospect 60s Garage Punk Show (2022-07-11)

Phil Grey

Punk (Radio Show)
Handi-Link (2022-07-01)

Cam Wells 

Spoken Word (Radio Show)
WINGS (2022-08-30)


Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Sips, Suds, & Smokes

One Tan Hand Productions 

Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Fit to Eat: the NL Farm and Food Show (2022-07-18)

Ivan Emke

Society and Culture (Radio Show)
Viewpoints (2022-06-01)

Community Radio Fund Of Canada – Viewpoints

News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
CanQueer (2022-12-16)

Luke Smith 

News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
World Beat Canada Radio (2022-09-08)

Cal Koat

International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Celt In A Twist (2022-09-08)

Patricia Fraser

International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Hola Canada – (2023-05-02)

Rosa Ortega Tyrel 

International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
The Freedom Principle

Tom Fleming 

International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Revolution Rock (2022-07-04)

Dave Konstantino 

Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)


Jazz (Radio Show)
Modern Jazz Today (2023-05-01)

Jeff Williams 

Jazz (Radio Show)
!Earshot Daily (2022-08-12)

!Earshot Daily (AJ Walsh)

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Julian Taylor’s Jukebox (2022-08-15)

Julian Taylor 

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
The Sentinel’s Marvellous Kaleidoscope (2023-01-23)

Nicholas Cooper

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Girlie So Groovie (2022-07-11)

Trevor Klundert 

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Deep Threes (2022-09-21)

John “Jay” Burgund 

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Cheeze Pleeze (2022-07-13)

Snarfdude and Daffodil 

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Backbeat (2022-06-12)

Lorne VanSinclair 

Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)


!earshot Distro Music Digest (154)

Hello everyone!

‘Tis the season! Enjoy the new uploads from the week of December 1st to the 7th:

Highlights of the Week:

Album:  Holiday Singles:  Show
(No) LightJess Waters

MAPL Compliant

> Alternative


Christmas Isn’t Christmas Without You (2023-12-07)Mattie leon

MAPL Compliant

> Folk

Blame It On The Blues (Covid Christmas) (2023-12-05)

Malcolm Scott Is The Delicate Arch

MAPL Compliant

> Alternative

It’s Christmas (2023-11-17)

Connor & the Musicians

MAPL Compliant

> Folk

Viewpoints (2022-06-01)Community Radio Fund Of Canada – Viewpoints

> News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)


Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre # in Release
Army of Generals, Vol. 2 (2023-12-01)Das Neue Mannheimer Orchester  Classical Century (14)
Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 21 in C Major, Op. 53 “Waldstein” & Piano Sonata No. 23 in F minor, Op. 57 “Appassionata” (2023-12-01)Anders Muskens YES Classical Century (6)
on our own together (act 2 of 3) (2023-12-01)Brian Paul D.G. and Friends! YES Folk (15)
Lawrence (2024-01-09)Jake Ian YES Folk (9)
Hardly Novices (2023-08-25)Max Prime & Jon Brando YES Rap (20)
Bitter Illusions (2023-12-01)Bitter//Washed YES Rock (8)
Nothing Lasts, Nothing Is Perfect, Nothing Is Finished (2023-12-01)The Wabi Sabis YES Rock (4)
Too Kind To Kill My DarlingsQueens Park’s Band YES Rock (9) 
Act I (2024-01-19)Lana Winterhalt YES Pop (4)
Detroit Blood (2023-12-05)Guitar Army YES Punk (11)
Starfall Sonata (2023-12-01)XL Syndicate YES World (6)
Ripples & Waves (2023-12-22)Ultraviolet YES World (8)


You can follow us on:






Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre
disparity (2023-12-06)La lune YES Alternative
Higher (2023-12-13)Reece  YES Alternative
TIME SPACE MATTER (2023-12-05)Bryon Tosoff YES Alternative
Oh, Calypso (2023-12-02)Villain Villain YES Alternative
To be young (2023-11-27)no big d  YES Alternative
TIME SLIPS BY (2023-12-01)5omerset YES Alternative
Long (2023-12-01)Ted Kim YES Alternative
Time After Time (2023-12-01)Lori Yates YES Country
Baby Steps (’24 Remix) (2024-01-02)Chris Corey YES Electronic
One More Time (2023-12-04)Guru LeGroove YES Electronic
One More Time (2023-12-04)Guru LeGroove YES Electronic
The Reds, The Greens & The Blues (2023-12-07)Leanne Lightfoot’s Band YES Folk 
Maureen (2023-12-01)The Silver Sardines YES Folk
Back to Old Ontario (2023-12-01)Emily Morse YES Folk
Intangible Things (A Hanukkah Song) Live Acoustic (2023-12-01)Haley K Turner YES Pop
Midfall (2023-12-31)Kate Schroder YES Pop
Alive! (2023-12-04)Guru LeGroove YES Pop
Alive! (2023-12-04)Guru LeGroove YES Pop
Those Before You (2023-11-24)LeafGreen YES Punk
Rain From The Sky (2023-12-01)Vampire Duwop YES Punk
Intergenerational (2023-12-15)Dakota Bear YES Rap
Spin Around the World (feat. LTtheMonk & Carleigh Aikins) (2023-12-15)Sunshine Makers YES R&B
NY SummerJef Kearns YES R&B
NY SummerJef Kearns YES R&B
The Cure (2023-12-07)NIKKAELA YES R&B
Forget You (2023-10-13)Avalon Stone YES Rock
Stride On (2024-01-20)Justin Latam & The Stride YES Rock
Dylan Phase Again (2023-12-06)We Found a Lovebird YES Rock
Moonflower (2023-12-03)Jeff Gay YES Rock
Taylor Curtis – The Stranger (2023-12-14)Taylor Curtis YES Rock
El Clasico (2023-11-26)Blue Ray 7 YES Reggae


Show Name + Programmer Genre
Back Porch Bluegrass Show (2022-08-04)Paul Trenwith  Bluegrass (Radio Show)
Balmoral BluesDavid Blaine  Blues (Radio Show)
On the Marquee (2023-05-07)Julie Simmons  Concert (Radio Show)
Classical Muse (2023-11-01)David Cavlovic  Concert (Radio Show)
JAM Live!Dieter Gade  Concert (Radio Show)
Routes & Branches & Beyond (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
rabble radio (2022-10-18)rabble radio  Politics (Radio Show)
Latin Waves (2022-08-03)Sylvia Richardson Politics (Radio Show)
The Charts (2022-06-30)Dinah Jansen Popular Music (Radio Show)
Retrospect 60s Garage Punk Show (2022-07-11)Phil Grey Punk (Radio Show)
Handi-Link (2022-07-01)Cam Wells  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
WINGS (2022-08-30)WINGS Team  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Sips, Suds, & SmokesOne Tan Hand Productions  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Fit to Eat: the NL Farm and Food Show (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Society and Culture (Radio Show)
CanQueer (2022-12-16)Luke Smith  News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
World Beat Canada Radio (2022-09-08)Cal Koat International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Celt In A Twist (2022-09-08)Patricia Fraser International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
The Freedom PrincipleTom Fleming  International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Revolution Rock (2022-07-04)Dave Konstantino  Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)
Modern Jazz Today (2023-05-01)Jeff Williams  Jazz (Radio Show)
!Earshot Daily (2022-08-12)!Earshot Daily (AJ Walsh) Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Julian Taylor’s Jukebox (2022-08-15)Julian Taylor  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
The Sentinel’s Marvellous Kaleidoscope (2023-01-23)Nicholas Cooper Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Girlie So Groovie (2022-07-11)Trevor Klundert  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Deep Threes (2022-09-21)John “Jay” Burgund  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Cheeze Pleeze (2022-07-13)Snarfdude and Daffodil  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Backbeat (2022-06-12)Lorne VanSinclair  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)

!earshot Distro Music Digest (190)

Hello everyone!

‘Tis the season! I hope you enjoy the new uploads from the week of November 24th to the 30th:

Highlights of the Week:

Album:  Holiday Singles:  Show
In all good Hope (2023-10-27)José Lobo

MAPL Compliance

> Folk


Christmas Time (2023-11-28)Marie Fontaine

MAPL Compliant

> Folk

The Best Christmas (2023-11-28)

Jon Mullane

MAPL Compliant

> Pop

Kiss in December (2023-11-24)

Tara MacLean

MAPL Compliant

> Folk

Happy Happy Christmas (Moe Howard Mix) (2023-11-25)

Ashes and Dreams

MAPL Compliant

> Pop

Christmas Is Upon Us (2023-11-27)

Dave Debenham

MAPL Compliant

> Country

WINGS (2022-08-30)WINGS Team 

> Spoken Word (Radio Show)


Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre # in Release
Hindsight is 50/50 (2023-11-24)GHOSTWOMAN YES Alternative (10)
Critically Reclaimed (2023-11-24)Space Junk Removal Service YES Alternative (7)
Wetface – Music Tunes of Song & Sound (2023-11-06)Wetface YES Alternative (4)
Return Forever (2024-03-15)The Fourth Wall Alternative (9)
The Whistling Egg Man —and other tall tales (2023-11-30)Al Simmons YES Children’s Music (14) 
The Best Part of Me (2023-11-17)Angie Bohlke YES Country (7)
Sure Can Play That Guitar!! (2023-12-01)Tom Savage YES Blues (8)
I See You YXE (2023-12-01)Christine Johnston YES Folk (15)
In A Little Long While (2023-11-24)Oliver James Brooks YES Folk (10)
Vol. 1 (2023-10-27)Bakers Duz’n R&B (13)
They More They Stay The Same (2023-11-24)Ryan Burger YES Rock (8)
Missile to Mars (2023-11-28)Missile to Mars YES Rock (8)
Jealous (2023-04-14)sineila YES Pop (3)
You Wanted the Bike (2023-12-15)Aversions YES Punk (8)
The Acceptance. The Sorrow (2023-12-01)Wisent  YES Punk (10)

You can follow us on:






Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre
Lisa Turtle (2023-11-02)Tara Kannangara YES Alternative
Name Song (2023-09-21)Tara Kannangara YES Alternative
Care of YouWake Sleeper YES Alternative
One more Drink (2023-11-27)Dale D’Amore YES Alternative
StolenWake Sleeper YES Alternative
Darkness of Heart (2024-02-02)The Fourth Wall YES Alternative
Kaleidoscope (2023-11-30)Wake Sleeper YES Alternative
Satellite toParadise (2023-11-24)Kevin Parker YES Alternative
Misinformation (2023-11-04)Summer’s Brother YES Alternative
Sunny Dub (2023-11-25)John V Chisholm YES Alternative
waiting (2023-11-30)Cam Kahin YES Alternative
No Shoes (2023-11-24)Lex Bielby  Blues
If Your Aim Is True (2023-11-29)Lloyd Tosoff (DBA Artist, Lloyd Pilling Tosoff) YES Country
Take Me With You (2023-11-16)Diane Raeside and Frank Nicoletti YES Country
Runnin Back to You (2023-11-24)Tortured Soul YES Electronic
Ways (2023-12-01)Jason Hofer YES Folk 
Hey Humans (2023-11-03)Fresh Breath YES Folk
The Devil won’t let me go (2023-11-25)Vintage Lapointe  YES Folk
PhoenixAlex Kapo YES Pop
Charlie Brown Christmas Tree (2023-12-01)Peach on a beach YES Pop
Fishin’Sam Ripat YES Pop
Jealous (The Remixes) (2023-10-27)sineila YES Pop
Lemon & Ginger (2023-11-30)Sarah Orton YES Pop
My Body Treats Me Better (2023-11-24)Jennarie YES Pop
Drag Queen (2023-11-25)Cavehaus YES Pop
Lovely Melody (2023-11-25)Cavehaus YES Pop
Karen’s Bad Day (2023-11-24)Johnny Broadway YES Punk
Red Planet (2023-11-28)Alex Maher YES Rap
Axel FJef Kearns YES R&B
I Talk to the Wind (2023-11-21)Genevieve Marentette YES Rock
It Aint Hard (2023-11-17)The Tisdale YES Rock
On a TightropeSam Ripat YES Rock
Lies (2022-01-06)Weather Advisory YES Rock
What I Want (2023-11-30)Gillian Moranz YES Rock
Osprey b/w Cradle 2 Grave (2023-11-23)The Psychic Alliance YES Rock
Paradise (2023-11-24)Jacquie Daniels YES Rock
Lady of The Night (Live) (2023-11-27)MaSSa Power YES Rock
Going To Texas (2023-12-05)Eric & The Soo YES Rock
Keep The Faith (2023-11-25)Silver Bella YES Spiritual


Show Name + Programmer Genre
Back Porch Bluegrass Show (2022-08-04)Paul Trenwith  Bluegrass (Radio Show)
Balmoral BluesDavid Blaine  Blues (Radio Show)
On the Marquee (2023-05-07)Julie Simmons  Concert (Radio Show)
Classical Muse (2023-11-01)David Cavlovic  Concert (Radio Show)
JAM Live!Dieter Gade  Concert (Radio Show)
NewFound Records (2022-07-07)Wayne Tucker Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
Routes & Branches & Beyond (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
rabble radio (2022-10-18)rabble radio  Politics (Radio Show)
Coasting (2023-11-04)Chad Mantz  Popular Music (Radio Show)
!earshot20 (2022-08-12)Stephen Munga  Popular Music (Radio Show)
Retrospect 60s Garage Punk Show (2022-07-11)Phil Grey Punk (Radio Show)
Handi-Link (2022-07-01)Cam Wells  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Sips, Suds, & SmokesOne Tan Hand Productions  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Fit to Eat: the NL Farm and Food Show (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Society and Culture (Radio Show)
CanQueer (2022-12-16)Luke Smith  News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
Viewpoints (2022-06-01)Community Radio Fund Of Canada – Viewpoints News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
World Beat Canada Radio (2022-09-08)Cal Koat International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Celt In A Twist (2022-09-08)Patricia Fraser International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Hola Canada – (2023-05-02)Rosa Ortega Tyrel International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
The Freedom PrincipleTom Fleming  International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Revolution Rock (2022-07-04)Dave Konstantino  Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)
Modern Jazz Today (2023-05-01)Jeff Williams  Jazz (Radio Show)
!Earshot Daily (2022-08-12)!Earshot Daily (AJ Walsh) Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Julian Taylor’s Jukebox (2022-08-15)Julian Taylor  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
The Sentinel’s Marvellous Kaleidoscope (2023-01-23)Nicholas Cooper Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Girlie So Groovie (2022-07-11)Trevor Klundert  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Deep Threes (2022-09-21)John “Jay” Burgund  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Cheeze Pleeze (2022-07-13)Snarfdude and Daffodil  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Backbeat (2022-06-12)Lorne VanSinclair  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)

!earshot Distro Music Digest (204)


Here are the new uploads from November 17th to the 23rd:

Highlights of the Week:

Album:  Single:  Show
更新 re:new (2023-11-18)respectfulchild

MAPL Compliant

> Experimental


Rome’s Bounty (2023-12-22)Dynasty Four

MAPL Compliant

> Alternative

Home of Burnaby Rock (2023-06-01)Jon Thibault 

> Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)


Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre # in Release
JD (2023-11-17)Johnny Johnson  Country (10)
Tapisserie canadienne aux couleurs d’Acadie (2023-11-17)Choeur Louisbourg Choir YES Classical Century (14)
Tzimtzum (2023-11-10)Jaap Nico Hamburger YES Classical Century (20)
Same Pain (2023-11-23)Garret T. Willie YES Blues (10)
Wintersong (2023-11-23)Ryan Shane Owen  YES Electronic (14)
Widdendreams, R​ê​ves de joie folle (2023-11-18)Le Quatuor International de Saxophones YES Experimental (14)
Original Skin (2023-12-03)Jack Garton Folk (14)
Hey! That’s a guitar! (2023-11-17)Sophian Alkurdi  YES Folk (10)
IRL (2023-11-03)KTheChosen YES Rap (7)
Some Type of Electric Lagoon (2023-11-18)Kali Horse YES Rock (9)
Halfway Through The Dark (2023-12-01)Rob Fillo YES Pop (4)
1987 (2023-11-01)Maggot Fodder YES Punk (4)
Science Progresses One Funeral at a Time (2023-11-17)OBROA-SKAI YES Punk (11)
Joy to the World (2023-11-21)Bryon Tosoff YES Spiritual (10)


You can follow us on:






Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre
Fear In Your Mind (2023-11-17)Holy Void  YES Alternative
Before It’s Too Late (2023-11-17)Justine Giles YES Alternative
Broken Window (2023-11-17)Class of 91 YES Alternative
Another Year (2023-12-01)Zaac Pick YES Alternative
The Salesman (2021-07-15)Weather Advisory YES Blues
Here and Now (2023-11-24)Allen Dobb YES Country
Our Last Night (2023-11-18)Melissa Matheson YES Country
Allez Allez (Is What They Say) (2023-11-23)CW & the Motormen YES Country
B-Roll (2023-11-19)Wolf Saga YES Electronic
House of Love (2023-11-21)Guru LeGroove  YES Electronic
B-Roll (2023-11-19)Wolf Saga YES Electronic
Poppies (2023-11-18)Jack Quinn YES Experimental
Silver (2023-11-17)Bird Feet YES Experimental
I Think I Smell a Melody (2023-11-23)Alex Southey YES Folk 
Warm Ourselves Up By the Fire (2023-11-20)Sandy Carey YES Folk
My Journey (2023-11-20)Dave Debenham YES Folk
Se Acabó (2023-11-19)Guru LeGroove  YES Latin
Get You Some (2023-11-21)RULEZ YES Pop
What In The World (2023-11-20)Silva Musica YES Pop
DestinyAdam Firlotte YES Pop
This Christmas (Pop Edit) (2023-11-23)Franklin McKay YES Pop
Lonley for Loving You (L4❤U) (2023-12-01)The Degenerates YES Pop
Detroit Blood (2023-11-19)Guitar Army’s Band YES Punk
I AM THE ONE (2023-11-23)Family Man YES Punk
My Love (Is It Gonna Be) (2023-11-21)Guru LeGroove YES R&B
Jazz Addiction (2015-11-22)Jef Kearns YES R&B
I’m Gonna Let You In (2023-11-24)Flora Luna YES R&B
Coyote In The City (2023-11-23)Bob Keats YES R&B
Take Your Chances (2023-11-19)Guru LeGroove YES R&B
Candles (2023-11-24)Nina Hain YES Rock
Wigs & Stilettos (2023-11-17)Cavehaus YES Rock
Sounds From a Beach (2023-12-01)Jackson Klippenstein YES Rock
I Can’t Stop (2023-11-19)Guru LeGroove YES Rock
Natural Phenomenon (2023-12-01)Jared Adams YES Rock
Judy (2023-11-17)Jules YES Rock
Death Drop (2023-11-17)Cavehaus YES Rock
When I”m Next to You – featuring Tom Kroczynski (2023-11-20)Jackie K YES Jazz


Show Name + Programmer Genre
Back Porch Bluegrass Show (2022-08-04)Paul Trenwith  Bluegrass (Radio Show)
Balmoral BluesDavid Blaine  Blues (Radio Show)
On the Marquee (2023-05-07)Julie Simmons  Concert (Radio Show)
Classical Muse (2023-11-01)David Cavlovic  Concert (Radio Show)
JAM Live!Dieter Gade  Concert (Radio Show)
NewFound Records (2022-07-07)Wayne Tucker Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
Routes & Branches & Beyond (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
rabble radio (2022-10-18)rabble radio  Politics (Radio Show)
Coasting (2023-11-04)Chad Mantz  Popular Music (Radio Show)
!earshot20 (2022-08-12)Stephen Munga  Popular Music (Radio Show)
The Charts (2022-06-30)Dinah Jansen  Popular Music (Radio Show)
Retrospect 60s Garage Punk Show (2022-07-11)Phil Grey Punk (Radio Show)
WINGS (2022-08-30)WINGS Team  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Handi-Link (2022-07-01)Cam Wells  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Sips, Suds, & SmokesOne Tan Hand Productions  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Fit to Eat: the NL Farm and Food Show (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Society and Culture (Radio Show)
The Conversation Lab (2023-09-06)Don Shafer  Society and Culture (Radio Show)
CanQueer (2022-12-16)Luke Smith  News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
Viewpoints (2022-06-01)Community Radio Fund Of Canada – Viewpoints News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
World Beat Canada Radio (2022-09-08)Cal Koat International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Celt In A Twist (2022-09-08)Patricia Fraser International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Hola Canada – (2023-05-02)Rosa Ortega Tyrel International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
The Freedom PrincipleTom Fleming  International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Revolution Rock (2022-07-04)Dave Konstantino  Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)
Modern Jazz Today (2023-05-01)Jeff Williams  Jazz (Radio Show)
!Earshot Daily (2022-08-12)!Earshot Daily (AJ Walsh) Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Julian Taylor’s Jukebox (2022-08-15)Julian Taylor  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Girlie So Groovie (2022-07-11)Trevor Klundert  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Deep Threes (2022-09-21)John “Jay” Burgund  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Cheeze Pleeze (2022-07-13)Snarfdude and Daffodil  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Backbeat (2022-06-12)Lorne VanSinclair  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)

!earshot Distro Music Digest (121 New Tracks)


I hope you all enjoy the new uploads from November 10h to the 16th:

Highlights of the Week:

Album:  Single:  Show
My Sweetest Lies (2023-09-01)Z Chambers 

> Pop


Sleepwalker (2023-11-17)Megan Irvine

MAPL Compliant


Julian Taylor’s Jukebox (2022-08-15)Julian Taylor 

>Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)


Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre # in Release
Mylo Forever (2023-11-16)Redeemerz YES Alternative (5)
Scout’s Honour (2023-11-15)Scout’s Honour YES Alternative (5)
21 (2023-11-13)Andrew Vivona YES Alternative (9)
Fifteen Feet Closer to the Sky (2023-11-10)Adam Zinatelli YES Classical Century (19)
Crease Remixed (2023-12-01)Kee Avil YES Electronic (4)
Web Peril (2023-11-17)Some Exercise YES Punk (6)
Frow’d Up (2023-10-27)Needle Crafts YES Rock (10)
Blue Skies and Better Days (2023-11-10)The Lowly Gents YES Rock (10)
Good Luck (2023-11-06)The Provincial Archive YES Rock (9) 


You can follow us on:






Title (Date of Upload)+ Artist MAPL Compliant Genre
Goodbye My Love (2023-11-16)Vicky von Vicky Alternative
How Easy (2023-11-17)LENOIRE YES Alternative
High Hopes (and Lies) (2023-10-13)Paul MacIntosh and The Lost Keys YES Alternative
Drone (2023-11-10)Eli Boucher YES Alternative
Sun & Shine (2023-11-10)Diane Raeside and Frank Nicoletti YES Country
The Gift (2023-11-24)Jason Andrew Griffith YES Country
SNCF (2023-11-10)Turbine YES Electronic
The Walk (2023-11-15)John Baron YES Experimental 
Fire Canoe (2023-11-13)Tim Isberg YES Folk 
Mad At Santa (Terra Spencer & Mike Biggar) (2023-11-15)Terra Spencer YES Folk
Freedom Gone (2023-11-14)Vintage Lapointe YES Folk
Silent in my Car (2023-11-15)Alex Coley & Afterlove  Folk
Lazy Day (2021-05-15)Weather Advisory YES Folk
Golden Days (2023-11-10)Jess Rae YES Folk
On Christmas Eve (2023-11-10)Barbra Lica YES Folk
My Guarantee (2023-11-10)Melyssa Lee YES Folk
You are your own best friend (2022-09-22)Tracy Cui YES Folk
Regret It (2023-11-10)Madame Madame YES Pop
Yeah, You (2023-11-12)TRNWRCK YES Pop
Monsters – BTXE feat. Zach Copeland (2023-10-27)BTXE YES Pop
Ride This Wave (2023-11-10)KingTin YES Pop
Misty Blue (2023-11-13)Silva Musica YES Pop
Faking Love (2023-11-13)Xaotyk YES Pop
Swimming (2023-11-09)Pallmer YES Pop
BRAIN ON (2023-11-10)A.N. YES Pop
Always Moving (2023-11-10)Child Actress YES Pop
Come Clean (2023-11-10)Maggie Andrew YES Pop
All I Need (with Jane Bunnett & Larry Cramer) (2023-11-13)Silva Musica YES Pop
Fences (2023-10-20)Carleton Stone YES Pop
N2UJef Kearns YES R&B
Lesson #1 (Radio Edit) (2023-11-13)Bakers Duz’n  YES R&B
Soulfisticated (2023-11-16)Jef Kearns YES R&B
Santa Was a Ginger (2021-11-18)Sam Wentzell YES Rock
If I Was God (2023-11-22)Upwood Avenue  Rock
Witch Within (2023-11-22)Shebear and the Hibernation YES Rock
Feast Of Blades (2023-11-15)Helsreach YES Metal
Coffee and a Donut (2023-11-14)Bryon Tosoff YES Jazz


Show Name + Programmer Genre
Back Porch Bluegrass Show (2022-08-04)Paul Trenwith  Bluegrass (Radio Show)
Balmoral BluesDavid Blaine  Blues (Radio Show)
On the Marquee (2023-05-07)Julie Simmons  Concert (Radio Show)
Classical Muse (2023-11-01)David Cavlovic  Concert (Radio Show)
JAM Live!Dieter Gade  Concert (Radio Show)
NewFound Records (2022-07-07)Wayne Tucker Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
Routes & Branches & Beyond (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Folk & Roots (Radio Show)
rabble radio (2022-10-18)rabble radio  Politics (Radio Show)
Coasting (2023-11-04)Chad Mantz  Popular Music (Radio Show)
!earshot20 (2022-08-12)Stephen Munga  Popular Music (Radio Show)
The Charts (2022-06-30)Dinah Jansen  Popular Music (Radio Show)
Retrospect 60s Garage Punk Show (2022-07-11)Phil Grey Punk (Radio Show)
WINGS (2022-08-30)WINGS Team  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Handi-Link (2022-07-01)Cam Wells  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Sips, Suds, & SmokesOne Tan Hand Productions  Spoken Word (Radio Show)
Fit to Eat: the NL Farm and Food Show (2022-07-18)Ivan Emke Society and Culture (Radio Show)
CanQueer (2022-12-16)Luke Smith  News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
Viewpoints (2022-06-01)Community Radio Fund Of Canada – Viewpoints News & Current Affairs (Radio Show)
World Beat Canada Radio (2022-09-08)Cal Koat International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Celt In A Twist (2022-09-08)Patricia Fraser International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Hola Canada – (2023-05-02)Rosa Ortega Tyrel International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
The Freedom PrincipleTom Fleming  International & Third-Language (Radio Show)
Revolution Rock (2022-07-04)Dave Konstantino  Indie Rock & Rock (Radio Show)
Modern Jazz Today (2023-05-01)Jeff Williams  Jazz (Radio Show)
!Earshot Daily (2022-08-12)!Earshot Daily (AJ Walsh) Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
The Sentinel’s Marvellous Kaleidoscope (2023-01-23)Nicholas Cooper Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Girlie So Groovie (2022-07-11)Trevor Klundert  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Deep Threes (2022-09-21)John “Jay” Burgund  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Cheeze Pleeze (2022-07-13)Snarfdude and Daffodil  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)
Backbeat (2022-06-12)Lorne VanSinclair  Various / Eclectic (Radio Show)